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Ancient Classics -> Shang Shu -> Yu Shu -> Canon of Shun -> 16

The Di said,
I appoint you to be Director of Music,
and to teach our sons,
so that the straightforward shall yet be mild;
the gentle, dignified:
the strong, not tyrannical:
and the impetuous, not arrogant.
Poetry is the expression of earnest thought;
singing is the prolonged utterance of that expression;
the notes accompany that utterance,
and they are harmonized themselves by the standard tubes.
(In this way) the eight different kinds of musical instruments can be adjusted
so that one shall not take from or interfere with another;
。」 and spirits and men are brought into harmony.'
Kui said,
'I smite the (sounding-) stone, I gently strike it,
。」 and the various animals lead on one another to dance.'

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