Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
問 | 口+8 | 𠳅 问 | wèn ㄨㄣˋ | Ask, inquire. / Investigate, look into. / Inquire after, give regards to. / Interrogate, question. / Visit (another states). / Research, investigate. / Give, present with. / Tell. / Sound. / Same as 「」 wèn ㄨㄣˋ: Reputation, fame. | v7,p4284#03 | p.195#10 | p.279r3c03 |
伊 | 人+4 | 𦯴 𠈽 | yī ㄧ | third person pronoun; he, she, this, that | v1,p0126#09 | p.95#15 | p.90r1c01 |
川 | 巛+0 | 巛 | chuān ㄔㄨㄢ | stream, river; flow; boil | v1,p0032#02 | p.323#23 | p.462r2c02 |
謂 | 言+9 | 谓 | wèi ㄨㄟˋ | To (when speaking to someone). / Say, speak. / Call, name. / Meaning, what is meant. / Discuss, comment on (a person). / How? / Same as 「」 wèi ㄨㄟˋ: Preposition: because of, due to. | v6,p3997#06 | p.1173#12 | p.1251r6c01 |
| | | wéi ㄨㄟˊ | Same as 「」 wéi ㄨㄟˊ: Count as, be considered as. | | | |
聖 | 耳+7 | 堊 𦕡 𠄵 圣 | shèng ㄕㄥˋ | holy, sacred; sage | v4,p2789#06 | p.967#22 | p.1082r6c06 |
人 | 人+0 | 𠔽 亻 | rén ㄖㄣˊ | Man, person. / Others, other people. / The people, ordinary men. / Talent, material. / [A man's] character. / Affairs of men, world of man. / Benevolence. | v1,p0101#10 | p.91#01 | p.80r2c01 |
之 | 丿+3 | 㞢 | zhī ㄓ | Towards; go to. / Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Third person pronoun: him, her, it. / Auxiliary word: of. / Auxiliary word: used between subject and predicate, cancels independence of a clause. / Auxiliary word: used in a sentence for aesthetic purpose only, no meaning. | v1,p0043#01 | p.82#04 | p.47r2c02 |
言 | 言+0 | 訁 𢍗 𢍬 | yán ㄧㄢˊ | Speak, say. / Discuss, debate. / Tell. / Doctrine, theory, words. / One word. / Sentence. / Particle, no meaning. | v6,p3936#01 | p.1146#01 | p.1236r5c03 |
必 | 心+1 | | bì ㄅㄧˋ | surely, most certainly; must | v4,p2267#02 | p.375#02 | p.522r5c01 |
降 | 阜+6 | 降 夅 | jiàng xiáng xiàng ㄐㄧㄤˋ ㄒㄧㄤˊ ㄒㄧㄤˋ | descend, fall, drop; lower, down | v6,p4126#18 | p.1349#12 | p.1421r2c02 |
而 | 而+0 | | ér ㄦˊ | Whiskers. / Like, similar to. / Pronoun: you. / Pronoun: this, like this. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: and, then. / Connective: if, supposing. / Connective: yet, however. / Connective: therefore, hence. / Connective: expresses method or state. / Particle: of. / Expressive particle. | v4,p2810#01 | p.961#18 | p.1080r2c03 |
| | | néng ㄋㄥˊ | Same as 「」 néng ㄋㄥˊ: Able to, competent. / Same as 「」 néng ㄋㄥˊ: Ability, talent. | | | |
自 | 自+0 | 𦣹 鼻 | zì ㄗˋ | Oneself. / Begin, beginning. / From. / Originally. / Natural, naturally. / Supposing, if. / Even, even if. | v5,p3046#01 | p.1000#07 | p.1108r3c01 |
卑 | 十+6 | 𤰞 | bēi ㄅㄟ | humble, low, inferior; despise | v1,p0063#01 | p.156#27 | p.216r2c08 |
不 | 一+3 | 不 𠀚 𠙐 | bù ㄅㄨˋ | Not have. / To not be. / Negational adverb, used before verbs, adjectives, etc. to indicate negation. / Negational adverb expressing prohibition: do not. / Negational adverb expressing rhetorical question: is not...? | v1,p0011#06 | p.76#15 | p.30r1c01 |
| | | fǒu ㄈㄡˇ | Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used together with an affirmative word, expressing its negative or opposite. / Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used at the end of a question to form a yes-no question. | | | |
| | | fū ㄈㄨ | Sepal of a flower. | | | |
| | | pī ㄆㄧ | Same as 「」 pī ㄆㄧ: Large. | | | |
| | | bǐ ㄅㄧˇ | Show disdain for. | | | |
如 | 女+3 | | rú ㄖㄨˊ | Go to. / According to, in accordance with. / Like, similar to. / As good as, comparable to. / Should. / Or, alternatively. / If, should it be the case. / As for, as regards. / Adjectival suffix. | v2,p1025#09 | p.255#21 | p.378r5c02 |
此 | 止+2 | | cǐ ㄘˇ | This. / Like this. / Here. / Adverb: then. | v2,p1438#03 | p.574#10 | p.735r4c01 |
則 | 刀+7 | 𠟻 𠟭 𠞋 𠟔 则 | zé ㄗㄜˊ | Method, rule. / Mimic, emulate. / Level, grade. / Adverb used to emphasize an assertion. / Adverb used to express scope: only. / Connective expressing continuation: then, and then. / Connective emphasizing comparison. / Connective expressing contrast. / Connective expressing allowance: yet, even so. / Connective expressing unexpected turn of events. / Connective expressing suppostion: if. | v1,p0340#06 | p.139#31 | p.183r5c05 |
親 | 見+9 | 𢈥 寴 𡩁 亲 | qīn ㄑㄧㄣ | Parents. / Relatives. / Love, favour. / Close, intimate. / Contact, touch. / Personally. / Do oneself. | v6,p3671#12 | p.1136#12 | p.1230r5c04 |
賢 | 貝+8 | 臤 贒 贤 | xián ㄒㄧㄢˊ | virtuous, worthy, good; able | v6,p3646#06 | p.1209#28 | p.1276r5c02 |
引 | 弓+1 | 𢪉 㧈 | yǐn ㄧㄣˇ | to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch | v2,p0988#05 | p.356#08 | p.499r6c01 |
高 | 高+0 | 髙 | gāo gào ㄍㄠ ㄍㄠˋ | high, tall; lofty, elevated | v7,p4593#01 | p.1451#26 | p.1514r4c03 |
道 | 辵+9 | 𨕥 衟 𡬹 | dào ㄉㄠˋ | Road, path. / Journey. / Method. / Law, reason. / Doctrine, claim. / Skill, technique. / Principle, right way. / The Dao, the origin of all things in Daoism. / Speak, talk. / Take a course of action. / Take a course of action. / Rites paid to the spirit of roads. / Ancient administrative unit. / Daoism. | v6,p3864#01 | p.1262#06 | p.1326r3c02 |
| | | dǎo ㄉㄠˇ | Lead. / Flow smoothly. | | | |
尊 | 寸+9 | | zūn ㄗㄨㄣ | respect, revere, venerate; honor | v1,p0509#06 | p.295#10 | p.435r4c01 |
是 | 日+5 | 昰 𣆞 | shì ㄕˋ | Straight. / Right, correct. / Believe accurate, affirm. / Demonstrative pronoun: this. / Be (copula). / Auxiliary word, used after moving forward the object. | v2,p1497#05 | p.493#26 | p.639r1c01 |
形 | 彡+4 | | xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ | Body, thing with form. / Human body. / Form, appearance. / Lay of the land. / Circumstances. / Condition, situation. / Form, create. / Exhibit, show. / Compare. / Mould, die. / Same as 「」 xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ: Law, rules of punishment. / Same as 「」 xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ: Porcelain soup bowl. | v2,p0852#10 | p.363#06 | p.507r4c01 |
容 | 宀+7 | 𠕺 | róng ㄖㄨㄥˊ | looks, appearance; figure, form | v2,p0933#17 | p.287#03 | p.421r6c01 |
氣 | 气+6 | 気 炁 𣱛 气 | qì xì ㄑㄧˋ ㄒㄧˋ | air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit | v3,p2011#14 | p.599#12 | p.751r5c04 |
象 | 豕+5 | 𤉢 𧰼 | xiàng ㄒㄧㄤˋ | elephant; ivory; figure, image | v6,p3611#09 | p.1195#21 | p.1262r5c04 |
同 | 口+3 | 仝 衕 | tóng tòng ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄊㄨㄥˋ | same, similar; together with | v1,p0578#01 | p.175#06 | p.252r1c01 |
邪 | 邑+4 | 耶 | xié ㄒㄧㄝˊ | Wicked, evil. / Wicked or evil person. / Evil or demonic things. / Cause of illness. / Lean, slant. | v6,p3758#04 | p.1269#14 | p.1336r5c01 |
| | | yú ㄩˊ | Excess. | | | |
| | | xú ㄒㄩˊ | Slow, slow moving. | | | |
| | | yé ㄧㄝˊ | Particle expressing questioning or a rhetorical question. / Particle expressing assertion. | | | |
抑 | 手+4 | | yì ㄧˋ | press down, repress; curb, hinder | v3,p1841#07 | p.421#09 | p.563r1c04 |
據 | 手+13 | 拠 据 | jù ㄐㄩˋ | to occupy, take possession of; a base | v3,p1967#15 | p.459#12 | p.595r1c01 |
其 | 八+6 | 丌 亓 | qí ㄑㄧˊ | Third-person possessive pronoun: his, her, its, their. / Demonstrative pronoun: that, those. / Adverb expressing estimation or guess. / Adverb expressing imperative. / Adverb expressing rhetorical question. / Adverb expressing future tense. / Connective expressing hypothesis: if, supposing. / Connective expressing choice: or. / Connective expressing concession: even if. / Particle used after an adjective. / Particle: of. / Particle used for emphasis after single-character adjectives or onomatopoeia. / Particle used in the middle of a sentence to alter the tempo. | v1,p0245#01 | p.127#18 | p.162r5c01 |
| | | jì ㄐㄧˋ | Particle used after bi and he. | | | |
| | | jī ㄐㄧ | Modal particle expressing interrogative tone. / A year. | | | |
地 | 土+3 | 埊 𨻐 埅 𠏂 嶳 | dì de ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄜ· | earth; soil, ground; region | v1,p0420#12 | p.224#06 | p.312r6c01 |
位 | 人+5 | | wèi ㄨㄟˋ | throne; position, post; rank, status; seat | v1,p0138#03 | p.98#07 | p.96r1c04 |
合 | 口+3 | 閤 | hé gě ㄏㄜˊ ㄍㄜˇ | combine, unite, join; gather | v1,p0581#01 | p.174#24 | p.249r1c02 |
當 | 田+8 | 𤱭 儅 当 | dāng ㄉㄤ | Suit, match. / Comply, conform to. / Administer, be in charge of. / Take charge of. / Resist, oppose. / Equal to, equivalent. / Face towards. / Should, must. / At, of (some place or time). / Cast sentence. / Will. | v4,p2546#06 | p.764#18 | p.917r3c03 |
| | | dàng ㄉㄤˋ | Suitable, appropriate. / As, for the purpose of, in the capacity of. / Give as security. / Bottom, base. | | | |
| | | tǎng ㄊㄤˇ | If, supposing. | | | |
| | | cháng ㄔㄤˊ | Once, previously. | | | |
曰 | 曰+0 | | yuē ㄩㄝ | Say, speak. / Call, name. / Particle. | v2,p1482#02 | p.502#01 | p.648r3c03 |
極 | 木+9 | 极 | jí ㄐㄧˊ | extreme, utmost, furthest, final | v2,p1240#10 | p.542#02 | p.710r4c03 |
大 | 大+0 | 𠘲 | dà ㄉㄚˋ | Large, great. / Exceed, be greater than. / Venerate, treat as being great. / Many. / Thick, coarse. / Elder. / Respectful term of address. / Adverb expressing high level or broad range. | v1,p0520#01 | p.248#01 | p.342r3c03 |
| | | tài ㄊㄞˋ | Most (superlative). / Too much. / Peaceful, tranquil. | | | |
難 | 隹+11 | 𩁢 𩁬 𩀙 𩁣 𩁲 𩁩 𩀏 𩁤 难 | nán ㄋㄢˊ | Difficult, not easy. / Make difficult, think difficult. | v6,p4108#05 | p.1370#05 | p.1446r3c01 |
| | | nàn ㄋㄢˋ | Disaster. / Blame. / Censure, reject. / Resent. / Hate. / Doctrine, thesis. | | | |
| | | nǎn ㄋㄢˇ | Fear. | | | |
| | | nuó ㄋㄨㄛˊ | Luxuriant. / Ceremony to banish sprits thought responsible for contagion. / How, why. | | | |
企 | 人+4 | 𠈮 | qǐ ㄑㄧˇ | plan a project; stand on tiptoe | v1,p0116#06 | p.95#04 | p.89r5c01 |
及 | 又+2 | 𢎜 𨕤 | jí ㄐㄧˊ | Catch up to. / Retrieve, recover. / Attain, rival. / To. / Touch. / Relate to. / Continue, succeed. / Preposition: until ... (a time). / Connective: and. | v1,p0035#01 | p.165#03 | p.233r4c06 |
若 | 艸+5 | 若 𦱡 𦱶 𧁇 | ruò ㄖㄨㄛˋ | Iris. / Same as 「」 běi hǎi ruò ㄅㄟˇ ㄏㄞˇ ㄖㄨㄛˋ: Ruo, a god of the Northern Sea. / Go by, accord with. / Choose. / Like, similar to. / Identical, the same. / As good as, comparable to. / To, arrive at. / You, your. / This way, like this. / Regarding, as regards. / If, should it be the case. / Or, alternatively. / But, yet. / Adjectival suffix. | v5,p3187#07 | p.1023#12 | p.1130r1c03 |
更 | 曰+3 | 更 㪅 | gèng gēng ㄍㄥˋ ㄍㄥ | more, still further, much more | v1,p0020#02 | p.502#06 | p.649r5c02 |
俯 | 人+8 | 頫 | fǔ ㄈㄨˇ | bow down, face down, look down | v1,p0182#09 | p.106#06 | p.110r6c01 |
就 | 尢+9 | | jiù ㄐㄧㄡˋ | just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near | v1,p0555#11 | p.299#05 | p.445r1c05 |
愈 | 心+9 | 癒 愉 瘉 | yù ㄩˋ | more and more, even more | v4,p2322#15 | p.394#03 | p.536r6c03 |
畏 | 田+4 | 𤰲 𤰣 | wèi ㄨㄟˋ | Fear. / Make fear, scare. / Revere, respect. / Worry. / Detain, restrain. / Die. / Curved part of a bow. | v4,p2532#03 | p.760#22 | p.913r1c01 |
| | | wēi ㄨㄟ | Might, power. | | | |
憚 | 心+12 | 惮 | dàn ㄉㄢˋ | dread, shrink from, shirk, fear | v4,p2354#08 | p.403#01 | p.544r4c01 |
敢 | 攴+8 | 𠭖 𢽤 𣪏 | gǎn ㄍㄢˇ | to dare, venture; bold, brave | v2,p1463#09 | p.472#26 | p.605r4c02 |
進 | 辵+8 | 𨙟 𨗃 进 | jìn ㄐㄧㄣˋ | advance, make progress, enter | v6,p3851#05 | p.1259#30 | p.1322r2c03 |
有 | 月+2 | | yǒu ㄧㄡˇ | Have, possess. / Store, collect. / Occupy. / Hold on to, retain. / Have in abundance. / Good harvest. / Obtain. / Only. / Be, exist. / Occur, happen. / Make. / Particle used before a noun with no meaning. / Particle used before a monosyllabic adjective with no meaning. / Particle used before a verb with no meaning. / Still, yet. / Some people. / Region. | v3,p2041#05 | p.504#20 | p.656r5c01 |
| | | yòu ㄧㄡˋ | Help, assist. / Same as 「」 yòu ㄧㄡˋ: Moreover. | | | |
未 | 木+1 | | wèi ㄨㄟˋ | not yet; 8th terrestrial branch | v2,p1150#01 | p.509#05 | p.665r4c01 |
熟 | 火+11 | 𡒒 | shú shóu ㄕㄨˊ ㄕㄡˊ | well-cooked; ripe; familiar with | v3,p2231#03 | p.680#20 | p.856r3c02 |
處 | 虍+5 | 処 䖏 处 | chǔ ㄔㄨˇ | Stay, reside. / Settle. / Be in, located in. / Retire. / Appoint, serve in office. / Stop, rest. / Remain, stay. / Implement, carry out. / Handle, process. / Judge, form a judgement. / Decide, fix. / Distinguish, separate. / Standard, rule. | v4,p2822#12 | p.1073#25 | p.1183r5c02 |
| | | chù ㄔㄨˋ | Place, location. / Position, role. | | | |
甚 | 甘+4 | 什 𠯕 𥱅 | shén shí shèn ㄕㄣˊ ㄕˊ ㄕㄣˋ | great extent; considerably | v1,p0025#05 | p.754#06 | p.906r4c01 |
信 | 人+7 | 伩 㐰 䚱 | xìn ㄒㄧㄣˋ | True, words fitting the truth. / As expected. / Really, actually. / Trust, trustworthy. / Reliable, orderly. / Believe, have confidence in. / Clarify, determine. / Clear, clear-cut. / Certificate, (object of) proof. / Sealed letter, written proof. / Envoy, messenger. / Freely, as one wishes. / Stay for two nights in succession. | v1,p0165#01 | p.105#25 | p.109r2c01 |
| | | shēn ㄕㄣ | Straight, linear. / Uphold, promote. | | | |
服 | 月+4 | 𣍞 𦨈 | fú fù bì ㄈㄨˊ ㄈㄨˋ ㄅㄧˋ | clothes; wear, dress | v3,p2053#07 | p.505#02 | |
以 | 人+3 | 㠯 | yǐ ㄧˇ | Use. / Believe. / Command. / Lead. / Connect, implicate. / Have. / Cause, reason. / Preposition: because. / Preposition: from, in. / Preposition: at [some time]. / Preposition: using. / Preposition: in accordance with. / Preposition: relying upon. / Preposition: in the capacity of. / Preposition: with, together with. / Connective: indicates the following action is the objective of the preceding one. / Connective: used between adverbial clause and verb to express modification. / Connective: and. / Connective: but. / Connective: and so, thus. / Particle: used together with some words expressing direction and time. / Modal particle. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Stop, discontinue. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Adverb: already. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Adverb: extremely. | v1,p0105#07 | p.94#01 | p.87r6c01 |
為 | 火+5 | 爲 为 | wéi ㄨㄟˊ | Create, make. / Build, construct. / Do. / Plant, grow. / Govern. / Research, study. / Serve as. / Change into, become. / As, in the role of. / Count as, be considered as. / Called, named. / Expresses judgement: is. / Make, cause (to). / Have. / Take part in. / Write, author. / Connective: if. / Particle used in the middle of a sentence to move forward the object. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence to express a rhetorical question. | v3,p2198#11 | p.669#10 | p.844r4c03 |
| | | wèi ㄨㄟˋ | Help, assist. / Preposition: for, on behalf of. / Preposition: by (passive). / Preposition: because of, due to. / Preposition: with, together with. / Connective: because. / Say. / False, fake. | | | |
淺 | 水+8 | 浅 | qiǎn jiān jiàn cán zàn ㄑㄧㄢˇ ㄐㄧㄢ ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄘㄢˊ ㄗㄢˋ | shallow, not deep; superficial | v3,p1646#02 | p.632#18 | p.810r5c02 |
近 | 辵+4 | 𣥍 | jìn jì ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄐㄧˋ | near, close; approach; intimate | v6,p3819#12 | p.1254#07 | p.1312r1c07 |
足 | 足+0 | 疋 𤴕 | zú jù ㄗㄨˊ ㄐㄩˋ | foot; attain, satisfy, enough | v6,p3686#01 | p.1221#17 | p.1287r6c03 |
孟 | 子+5 | | mèng ㄇㄥˋ | first in series; great, eminent | v2,p1013#03 | p.278#16 | p.399r3c02 |
子 | 子+0 | 㜽 𢀈 𢀉 𡐫 𣕓 只 | zǐ ㄗˇ | Child, heir. Refers to both sons and daughters. / Love, charity. / Respectful term for a man. / People in general. / Fourth of the five levels of nobility. / First of the twelve earthly branches of the zodiac. | v2,p1006#06 | p.277#01 | p.395r1c01 |
皆 | 白+4 | | jiē ㄐㄧㄝ | all, every, everybody | v4,p2647#01 | p.786#12 | p.735r5c01 |
迂 | 辵+3 | 遇 | yū yù ㄩ ㄩˋ | doctrinaire, abstruse, unrealistic | v6,p3815#10 | p.1253#22 | p.1311r6c05 |
闊 | 門+9 | 濶 阔 | kuò ㄎㄨㄛˋ | broad, ample, wide; be apart | v7,p4310#01 | p.1338#30 | p.1411r1c03 |
把 | 手+4 | | bǎ bà ㄅㄚˇ ㄅㄚˋ | hold, take; guard; regard as | v3,p1845#04 | p.420#21 | p.562r5c05 |
做 | 人+9 | | zuò ㄗㄨㄛˋ | work, make; act | v1,p0186#18 | p.110#29 | p.120r2c07 |
無 | 火+8 | 𣟒 𣚨 𠘩 无 橆 | wú ㄨˊ | Not have. / Philosophical category referring to absence, non-existence, or vacuity. / Adverb expressing negation: not. / Adverb expressing questioning: or not. / Connective: regardless of. / Connective: even if. / Particle used at the beginning of a sentence, no meaning. / Do not. / Barren, uncultivated. | v3,p2211#15 | p.673#26 | p.848r2c04 |
用 | 用+0 | 𤰆 𠛁 | yòng ㄩㄥˋ | use, employ, apply, operate; use | v1,p0097#05 | p.755#24 | p.908r6c02 |
使 | 人+6 | 𡥐 𠭆 | shǐ ㄕˇ | Order, send (on a mission). / Cause, make. / Allocate, use. / Indulge in.. / Send as an envoy. / Envoy, messenger. / Connective: if, supposing. | v1,p0145#02 | p.101#05 | p.101r3c03 |
亦 | 亠+4 | 𠅃 | yì ㄧˋ | Original character for 腋. / Also. / Just, merely. / Again. / Modal particle at the beginning or middle of a sentence. / Accumulate. | v1,p0281#03 | p.88#09 | p.78r2c02 |
我 | 戈+3 | 𠨂 𢦓 𢦠 | wǒ ㄨㄛˇ | First-person pronoun: I. / One's own side in general. / Expresses closeness. / Egoism, self-involvement. | v2,p1401#02 | p.412#01 | p.552r1c01 |
底 | 广+5 | | dǐ de ㄉㄧˇ ㄉㄜ· | bottom, underneath, underside | v2,p0878#04 | p.344#06 | p.487r1c04 |
誠 | 言+6 | 诚 | chéng ㄔㄥˊ | sincere, honest; true, real | v6,p3963#05 | p.1163#12 | p.1246r2c01 |
何 | 人+5 | | hé ㄏㄜˊ | Ask, enquire. / What. / Who, which one. / How, in what way. / Why, for what reason. / Where, in what place. / How much, to what extent. | v1,p0130#04 | p.98#15 | p.97r2c04 |
| | | hē ㄏㄜ | Criticize, condemn. | | | |
| | | hè ㄏㄜˋ | Carry on one's back. / Bear, carry a burden. | | | |
起 | 走+3 | 𨑓 𡆡 𨑔 | qǐ ㄑㄧˇ | rise, stand up; go up; begin | v5,p3476#02 | p.1215#15 | p.1284r2c03 |
慕 | 心+11 | 𢟽 | mù ㄇㄨˋ | long for, desire; admire | v4,p2340#03 | p.398#32 | p.541r4c08 |
心 | 心+0 | 㣺 忄 | xīn ㄒㄧㄣ | heart; mind, intelligence; soul | v4,p2267#01 | p.375#01 | p.521r1c01 |
所 | 戶+4 | 𢨷 | suǒ ㄙㄨㄛˇ | Place. / Location. / A suitable place or location. / Measure word, used for counting buldings. / Used before a verb, creates a noun-like phrase. / If. Mainly used in oaths and curses. / Used together with 為 to indicate the passive tense. / Indicates an approximate number. / Number, number of times. / Meaning. | v3,p2259#01 | p.415#16 | p.556r1c01 |
與 | 臼+8 | 与 𢌱 𦦲 𠔔 | yǔ ㄩˇ | Give. / Follow, go along with. / Comrade, ally. / Association, contact. / Oppose. / Engage [an enemy]. / Approve, consent to. / Help. / Wait. / Preposition indicating passive tense. / Preposition: to, with. / Preposition: with. / Preposition: as. / Preposition: in, on. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: with its ... / Connective: or. | v1,p0251#04 | p.1004#13 | p.1113r2c03 |
| | | yù ㄩˋ | Participate, take part in. | | | |
| | | yǔ ㄩˇ | Interfere in. | | | |
| | | yú ㄩˊ | Auxiliary word: used at the end of a sentence to express questioning , exclamation, or a rhetorical question. / Auxiliary word: used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | | | |
他 | 人+3 | 她 牠 | tā ㄊㄚ | other, another; he, she, it | v1,p0115#06 | p.92#09 | p.85r2c03 |
爭 | 爪+4 | 争 𠫩 𠄙 | zhēng zhèng ㄓㄥ ㄓㄥˋ | to dispute, fight, contend, strive | v3,p2031#03 | p.688#33 | p.863r1c01 |
辯 | 辛+14 | 𧦪 𧦬 辨 辩 | biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ | Rule, govern. / Correct, amend. / Clever. / Argue, dispute. / Cunning words. / Eloquence. / Same as 「」 biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ: Separate, distinguish. / Same as 「」 biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ: Change, alteration. / Same as 「」 biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ: Universal, general. | v6,p4045#01 | p.1252#14 | p.1310r4c01 |
要 | 襾+3 | 𡢗 𦥼 𠾅 | yāo ㄧㄠ | Waist. / Wear around the waist. / Restrict, constrain. / Intercept. / Invite, call upon. / Coerce, threaten. / Seek. / Seek to gain trust and favour. / End, put a stop to.
/ Confirm, verify.
| v4,p2805#08 | p.1128#16 | p.1226r2c01 |
| | | yào ㄧㄠˋ | The key, the main point. / The important. / Summarize. / Ultimately, in the end. / Need, require. / Will, shall. / Desire, wish. | | | |
| | | yǎo ㄧㄠˇ | Same as 「」 yǎo ㄧㄠˇ: See "騕褭". | | | |
己 | 己+0 | 𢀒 | jǐ ㄐㄧˇ | self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem | v2,p0983#05 | p.326#09 | p.467r2c01 |
直 | 目+3 | 𣓟 𣖴 | zhí ㄓˊ | straight, erect, vertical | v1,p0061#07 | p.800#05 | |
知 | 矢+3 | 𢇻 𥎿 | zhī ㄓ | Know, understand. / Perception. / Recognize. / Knowledge. / Know about, make sense of. / Be friendly with. / Control, get on top of. | v4,p2581#02 | p.824#01 | p.955r5c02 |
| | | zhì ㄓˋ | Wisdom. | | | |
斯 | 斤+8 | 𣂕 | sī ㄙ | Cut, cleave. / Leave, go from. / Exhaust. / Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Connective: then, in that case. / Particle. / Lowly, unworthy. | v3,p2025#06 | p.480#04 | p.614r5c03 |
庶 | 广+8 | 庻 𤈲 𠦜 𠪌 𠩽 𠪛 | shù ㄕㄨˋ | numerous, various; multitude | v2,p0886#15 | p.347#20 | p.489r5c01 |
幾 | 幺+9 | 𢆻 𢆼 几 | jǐ jī ㄐㄧˇ ㄐㄧ | how many? how much?; a few, some | v2,p1095#08 | p.342#14 | p.486r2c02 |
竦 | 立+7 | 𢷜 𢖗 | sǒng ㄙㄨㄥˇ | revere, respect, be in awe of | v4,p2711#06 | p.872#01 | p.1005r2c01 |
動 | 力+9 | 㣫 𨔝 动 | dòng ㄉㄨㄥˋ | move, happen; movement, action | v1,p0375#06 | p.148#14 | p.196r4c02 |
著 | 艸+8 | 着 螫 | zhù zhuó chú zhāo zháo zhe ㄓㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄔㄨˊ ㄓㄠ ㄓㄠˊ ㄓㄜ· | manifest; (Cant.) to wear | v5,p3228#02 | p.1044#26 | p.1153r3c03 |
力 | 力+0 | 力 𠠲 | lì ㄌㄧˋ | power, capability, influence | v1,p0364#04 | p.146#05 | p.191r4c03 |
去 | 厶+3 | | qù ㄑㄩˋ | Leave, go away from. / Send away. / Remove, get rid of. / Banish, discard. / Lose, cease to possess. / Distance, separation. / Previous, past. / Later, after. | v1,p0384#08 | p.164#10 | p.232r1c04 |
| | | jǔ ㄐㄩˇ | Collect, keep. | | | |
| | | qū ㄑㄩ | Expel. | | | |
孔 | 子+1 | 𡤿 | kǒng ㄎㄨㄥˇ | opening, hole, orifice; great | v2,p1008#04 | p.277#09 | p.396r6c02 |
嘗 | 口+11 | 甞 𨡔 𠹉 尝 | cháng ㄔㄤˊ | taste; experience, experiment | v2,p1529#09 | p.206#09 | p.289r3c03 |
者 | 老+4 | | zhě ㄓㄜˇ | Pronoun used after verbs, adjectives, etc. in place of a person or thing. / Pronoun used after numbers in place of a thing. / Pronoun used after time or negation to express "when" or "if". / Expressive particle used in a declarative sentence after the subject. / Expressive particle used in a sentence after the subject to express cause or explanation. | v4,p2780#05 | p.961#01 | p.1080r1c01 |
| | | zhuó ㄓㄨㄛˊ | In, located in. | | | |
期 | 月+8 | 朞 𣅆 𠔸 逞 | qī qí jī ㄑㄧ ㄑㄧˊ ㄐㄧ | period of time; date; time limit | v3,p2083#07 | p.506#11 | p.662r3c01 |
月 | 月+0 | | yuè ㄩㄝˋ | moon; month; KangXi radical 74 | v3,p2041#01 | p.504#19 | p.655r4c05 |
已 | 己+0 | | yǐ ㄧˇ | Stop, discontinue. / Complete / The past. / Recover, be cured. / Leave [a post], retire. / Value and carry out. / Adverb: shortly, before long. / Adverb: already. / Adverb: extremely. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence. / Interjection. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Use. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Particle: used together with some words expressing direction and time. | v2,p0984#01 | p.326#11 | p.467r3c01 |
可 | 口+2 | 歌 厥 | kě kè ㄎㄜˇ ㄎㄜˋ | may, can, -able; possibly | v1,p0567#07 | p.172#12 | p.244r1c02 |
也 | 乙+2 | 𠃟 匜 | yě ㄧㄝˇ | Modal particle used at the end of a sentence, expressing assertion and affirmation. / Modal particle used at the end of a question for emphasis. / Modal particle used at the end of a cause-effect sentence to express explanation. / Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | v1,p0050#05 | p.84#04 | p.55r1c01 |
又 | 又+0 | | yòu ㄧㄡˋ | Hand. / Again, once more. / Moreover. / And, while. Expresses two situations happening at once or sequential action. / And yet. Expresses contrast. / Offer wine. / Forgive. | v1,p0390#01 | p.164#43 | p.233r4c03 |
吾 | 口+4 | 𠮣 | wú ㄨˊ | First person pronoun: I, we. / Defend, resist. | v1,p0585#13 | p.180#03 | p.260r5c01 |
| | | yú ㄩˊ | See 吾吾. | | | |
| | | yá ㄧㄚˊ | Yunyu, an ancient district. | | | |
東 | 木+4 | 东 | dōng ㄉㄨㄥ | east, eastern, eastward | v2,p1165#04 | p.513#12 | p.675r6c02 |
周 | 口+5 | 週 𠱬 𠄗 | zhōu ㄓㄡ | Surround. / Cyclicly, repeatedly. / (Travel) widely. / Careful, detailed. / Firm, unshaken. / Measure word: number of times. / Friendly, approachable. / Suitable, appropriate (for). / Turning place, corner. / Most (superlative). / Assist financially. / The Zhou dynasty. | v1,p0606#03 | p.181#36 | |
乎 | 丿+4 | 虖 | hū ㄏㄨ | Modal particle expressing questioning or a rhetorical question. / Modal particle expressing admiration or exclamation. / Modal particle expressing estimation. / Modal particle expressing request or order. / Modal particle expressing calling. / Modal particle expressing consideration. / Modal particle expressing affirmation. / Particle used after adjectives. / Particle used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. / Preposition: in, from, to. | v1,p0036#08 | p.82#07 | p.47r3c03 |
只 | 口+2 | 止 子 衹 隻 | zhǐ zhī ㄓˇ ㄓ | only, just, simply | v1,p0570#03 | p.172#05 | p.243r4c01 |
作 | 人+5 | 胙 𢓓 | zuò ㄗㄨㄛˋ | Arise, stand up. / Grow, flourish. / Begin. / Create, make. / Work, effort. / Serve as, work as. / When, at such time as. | v1,p0134#06 | p.99#07 | p.99r3c01 |
平 | 干+2 | 𤔁 𠀭 | píng ㄆㄧㄥˊ | flat, level, even; peaceful | v1,p0407#01 | p.339#03 | p.480r4c02 |
常 | 巾+8 | | cháng ㄔㄤˊ | common, normal, frequent, regular | v1,p0744#01 | p.333#12 | p.477r2c01 |
閑 | 門+4 | 閑 闲 | xián ㄒㄧㄢˊ | fence, barrier; defend; idle time | v7,p4287#03 | p.1332#02 | p.1407r4c02 |
說 | 言+7 | 説 说 | shuō ㄕㄨㄛ | Explain. / Tell. / Advocate. / Oath. / A type of writing expounding upon a canon. | v6,p3979#03 | p.1164#08 | p.1246r4c02 |
| | | shuì ㄕㄨㄟˋ | Recommend, persuade. / Stop. | | | |
| | | yuè ㄩㄝˋ | Same as 「」 yuè ㄩㄝˋ: Happy, pleased, like. / To please. | | | |
欲 | 欠+7 | 慾 | yù ㄩˋ | desire, want, long for; intend | v3,p2140#07 | p.567#36 | p.729r4c02 |
治 | 水+5 | 乿 | zhì ㄓˋ | Rule, administer. / Well ruled, peaceful and orderly. / Punish, execute. / Cure, treat (an illness). / Prepare. / Construct. / Research, study. | v3,p1599#06 | p.614#07 | p.776r5c02 |
天 | 大+1 | 𠀡 𠀘 𦴞 兲 靝 𠕹 | tiān ㄊㄧㄢ | sky, heaven; god, celestial | v1,p0522#01 | p.248#04 | p.358r4c01 |
下 | 一+2 | 丅 厥 𠄟 | xià ㄒㄧㄚˋ | under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down | v1,p0007#01 | p.76#10 | p.28r1c01 |
今 | 人+2 | | jīn ㄐㄧㄣ | now, today, modern era | v1,p0105#05 | p.91#18 | p.83r5c02 |
世 | 一+4 | 丗 卋 | shì ㄕˋ | generation; world; era | v1,p0014#06 | p.77#11 | p.35r1c02 |
舍 | 舌+2 | 舎 捨 | shè shě shì ㄕㄜˋ ㄕㄜˇ ㄕˋ | house, dwelling; dwell, reside | v5,p2941#02 | p.1006#23 | p.1115r6c01 |
誰 | 言+8 | 谁 | shuí shéi ㄕㄨㄟˊ ㄕㄟˊ | who? whom? whose? anyone? | v6,p3987#10 | p.1165#11 | p.1247r3c02 |
便 | 人+7 | 便 | biàn pián ㄅㄧㄢˋ ㄆㄧㄢˊ | convenience, ease; expedient | v1,p0157#03 | p.103#32 | p.105r2c05 |
得 | 彳+8 | 𢔶 䙷 𢔨 | dé ㄉㄜˊ | Get, obtain. / Plunder. / Covet. / Success. / Fitting, appropriate. / Compatible. / Satisfied, pleased. / Possible, can. / Same as 「」 dé ㄉㄜˊ: Morals, morality. / Same as 「」 dé ㄉㄜˊ: Reward kindness, thank. | v2,p0828#03 | p.367#31 | p.513r6c02 |
廣 | 广+12 | 广 | guǎng ㄍㄨㄤˇ | broad, wide, extensive | v2,p0897#04 | p.351#03 | p.493r4c01 |
勢 | 力+11 | 势 | shì ㄕˋ | power, force; tendency | v1,p0377#03 | p.149#04 | p.199r2c03 |
程 | 禾+7 | | chéng ㄔㄥˊ | journey, trip; schedule, agenda | v4,p2607#02 | p.854#10 | p.992r5c02 |
話 | 言+6 | 䛡 𦧵 话 | huà ㄏㄨㄚˋ | speech, talk, language; dialect | v6,p3965#06 | p.1158#10 | p.1244r2c01 |
否 | 口+4 | 𠘶 | fǒu ㄈㄡˇ | Adverb expressing negative response: no. / Adverb used together with an affirmative word, expressing its negative or opposite. / Adverb used at the end of a question to form a yes-no question. | v1,p0586#05 | p.178#02 | p.258r1c01 |
| | | pǐ ㄆㄧˇ | Blocked, unpassable. / Difficulties, adversity. / Evil, wrong. | | | |
生 | 生+0 | 𤯓 | shēng ㄕㄥ | life, living, lifetime; birth | v4,p2575#01 | p.754#26 | p.906r5c03 |
枝 | 木+4 | | zhī qí ㄓ ㄑㄧˊ | branches, limbs; branch off | v2,p1165#07 | p.516#12 | p.683r2c01 |
節 | 竹+7 | 罇 卩 节 | jié jiē ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄐㄧㄝ | knot, node, joint; section | v5,p2976#04 | p.891#24 | p.1018r1c03 |
且 | 一+4 | 𠀇 𠀃 | qiě ㄑㄧㄝˇ | This. / Connective: both, also. / Connective: and. / Connective: not only that, furthermore. / Connective: or. / Connective: not only, even. / Connective: if. / Adverb: will. / Adverb: briefly. / Adverb: almost. / Particle used at the start of a sentence. | v1,p0015#05 | p.77#07 | p.34r6c02 |
| | | jū ㄐㄩ | Appearance of a great many. / Exclamation. / Alternative name for the sixth month. | | | |
| | | cú ㄘㄨˊ | Go. | | | |
本 | 木+1 | 夲 楍 㮺 𡴡 | běn ㄅㄣˇ | root, origin, source; basis | v2,p1151#01 | p.509#07 | p.666r3c01 |
文 | 文+0 | 㒚 穩 | wén ㄨㄣˊ | Mixture of colours. / Decorative design. / Portray in words or pictures. / Adornment, embellishment. / External appearance. / Characters, words. / Books, works. / Confucian doctrine. / Civilian, non-military. / Drum (musical instrument). / Measure word for money. | v3,p2169#01 | p.477#01 | p.608r4c02 |
| | | wèn ㄨㄣˋ | Adorn, embellish. / Conceal, gloss over. | | | |
上 | 一+2 | 丄 𠄞 | shàng ㄕㄤˋ | top; superior, highest; go up, send up | v1,p0005#04 | p.76#07 | p.24r2c01 |
看 | 目+4 | | kàn kān ㄎㄢˋ ㄎㄢ | look, see; examine, scrutinize | v4,p2474#03 | p.803#07 | p.947r6c02 |
一 | 一+0 | 弌 壹 | yī ㄧ | one; a, an; alone | v1,p0001#01 | p.75#01 | p.1r1c01 |
段 | 殳+5 | 𠩻 | duàn ㄉㄨㄢˋ | section, piece, division | v3,p2155#10 | p.584#22 | p.742r5c01 |
須 | 頁+3 | 湏 须 | xū ㄒㄩ | must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers | v7,p4358#01 | p.1399#23 | p.1475r4c02 |
反 | 又+2 | 𠬡 | fǎn ㄈㄢˇ | Turn over. / Opposite, other way around. / Violate, go against. / Rebel, mutiny. / Return, go back to. / Go and return. / Return, give back. / Repeat, do again. / Reason by analogy. / Reflect, consider. / Revenge. / Fanqie, an ancient way of specifying character readings. / Adverb: rather, on the contrary. | v1,p0391#03 | p.165#19 | p.234r1c02 |
| | | fān ㄈㄢ | Open. / Correct a mistaken judgement. / Pour out. | | | |
| | | fàn ㄈㄢˋ | Same as 「」 fàn ㄈㄢˋ: To trade goods. | | | |
| | | bǎn ㄅㄢˇ | See "反反". | | | |
| | | pàn ㄆㄢˋ | See "反衍". | | | |
覆 | 襾+12 | 復 复 | fù ㄈㄨˋ | cover; tip over; return; reply | v4,p2808#09 | p.1129#09 | p.1226r5c03 |
來 | 人+6 | 來 来 徠 耒 | lái ㄌㄞˊ | Wheat. / Come, approach, draw near. / Return. / Incur, lead to. / Will, in the future. / Since, from some time until now. / Approximate number. / Particle: used when the object of a sentence is moved forward to emphasize the object. / Particle used to alter tempo. / Modal particle expressing suggestion or encouragement. | v1,p0141#08 | p.101#16 | p.102r1c01 |
| | | lài ㄌㄞˋ | See 勞來. | | | |
爛 | 火+17 | 烂 | làn ㄌㄢˋ | rotten, spoiled, decayed | v3,p2249#02 | p.687#25 | p.862r2c05 |
方 | 方+0 | 𤙗 | fāng ㄈㄤ | Two boats in line. / Two boats travelling together. / Together, in a row. / Same, equivalent. / Comparison, metaphor. / Square. / Upright, honest. / Land, earth. / Vicinity, area around. / Place, area. / One side, one area. / Wooden board used for writing in ancient times. / (Medical) prescription. / Direction. / Convention. / Standard, rule. / The proper way. / Method, way. / Specialized techniques. / Occupy. / Disobey. / Preposition: just then. / Adverb: while. / Adverb: about to. / Adverb: just. / Criticism. | v3,p2172#01 | p.481#03 | p.619r4c01 |
| | | páng ㄆㄤˊ | Wide, universal. | | | |
見 | 見+0 | 現 见 | jiàn ㄐㄧㄢˋ | See, catch sight of. / Feel, perceive. / Meet, come across. / Meet with, see. / Meet in battle. / Go to see. / Have come to see, have visit. / Grant an interview. / Recommend, introduce. / Introduce, present. / Hear. / Know, understand. / Experience, insight. / Intent, plan. / Used before a verb to indicate passive tense. / Used before a verb to indicate one is the receipient of anothers actions. / Particle used after a verb to indicate simultaneous action. / Coffin clothes. / Mix, mingle. | v6,p3663#01 | p.1133#01 | p.1229r1c01 |
| | | xiàn ㄒㄧㄢˋ | Appear, become visible. / Manifest, make evident. / Now, at present. / Existing, ready prepared. | | | |
意 | 心+9 | | yì ㄧˋ | thought, idea, opinion; think | v4,p2323#03 | p.394#22 | p.537r1c05 |
味 | 口+5 | | wèi ㄨㄟˋ | taste, smell, odor; delicacy | v1,p0597#06 | p.182#13 | p.265r4c04 |
快 | 心+4 | | kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ | rapid, quick, speedy, fast; soon | v4,p2278#11 | p.377#29 | p.524r3c02 |
樂 | 木+11 | 樂 乐 | yuè ㄩㄝˋ | Music. / Perform, play music. / Musical instrument. / The (now lost) classic of music. / Musician. / Yue, a surname. | v2,p1280#16 | p.548#20 | p.715r4c03 |
| | | lè ㄌㄜˋ | Happiness. / Make happy. / Fondness for, liking of. / Happy to, willing to. / Tranquil, contented. / Music and debauchery. / Le, a surname. | | | |
令 | 人+3 | 令 | lìng ㄌㄧㄥˋ | Order, decree / Drinking game. / Give an order, issue a command. / Cause, make. / Seasons. / Official title: top administrative official in a district. / Official title: central or local official in charge of a particular function. / Good, good looking. / Respectful term for another's family. / A short form of writing. / Words said out of politeness or diplomacy. | v1,p0111#10 | p.93#12 | p.87r2c01 |
| | | líng ㄌㄧㄥˊ | If. / Wagtail. | | | |
| | | lián ㄌㄧㄢˊ | Same as 「」 lián jū ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄩ: [Name of a place] | | | |
都 | 邑+9 | 都 𨛷 | dū dōu ㄉㄨ ㄉㄡ | metropolis, capital; all, the whole; elegant, refined | v6,p3776#07 | p.1274#09 | |
別 | 刀+5 | 𠔁 别 | bié ㄅㄧㄝˊ | separate, other; do not | v1,p0328#13 | p.138#12 | p.179r4c01 |
始 | 女+5 | 𠃭 乨 兘 𠙉 | shǐ ㄕˇ | begin, start; then, only then | v2,p1041#12 | p.258#16 | p.381r1c02 |
淳 | 水+8 | 湻 𤂸 | chún zhūn zhǔn ㄔㄨㄣˊ ㄓㄨㄣ ㄓㄨㄣˇ | honest, simple, unsophisticated; cyanogen; ethane dinitrile | v3,p1658#01 | p.632#05 | p.806r5c01 |
寓 | 宀+9 | 庽 𡪾 | yù ㄩˋ | residence; lodge; dwell | v2,p0942#13 | p.289#15 | p.426r4c01 |
錄 | 金+8 | 録 录 | lù ㄌㄨˋ | copy, write down, record | v6,p4227#09 | p.1309#11 | p.1383r2c04 |
云 | 二+2 | 員 雲 | yún ㄩㄣˊ | Old form of 雲。 / Say, speak. / To be. / Have, posess. / Socialize, interact with. / Move. / Thus, like this. / If. / Particle used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence, no meaning. / Many. | v1,p0384#02 | p.86#08 | p.63r6c02 |
審 | 宀+12 | 宷 审 | shěn ㄕㄣˇ | Detailed, thorough. / Investigate thoroughly, research. / Interrogation, trial. / Clear, unambiguous. / Cautious, prudent, take seriously. / True, reliable. | v2,p0954#05 | p.291#22 | p.429r6c03 |
| | | pán ㄆㄢˊ | Place where water swirls about. | | | |
這 | 辵+7 | 这 | zhè zhèi yàn ㄓㄜˋ ㄓㄟˋ ㄧㄢˋ | this, the, here | v6,p3844#05 | p.1258#01 | p.1317r2c01 |
或 | 戈+4 | 𢈿 | huò ㄏㄨㄛˋ | Pronoun: some, someone, something. / Have. / Sometimes. / Again. / Either, perhaps. / Expressive particle. / Confuse, be at a loss. | v2,p1402#08 | p.412#18 | p.552r5c01 |
耶 | 耳+3 | 邪 | yé yē xié ㄧㄝˊ ㄧㄝ ㄒㄧㄝˊ | used in transliteration | v4,p2784#03 | p.965#12 | p.1081r6c04 |
疑 | 疋+9 | 𦬦 | yí nǐ níng ㄧˊ ㄋㄧˇ ㄋㄧㄥˊ | doubt, question, suspect | v4,p2751#04 | p.768#03 | p.919r1c02 |
非 | 非+0 | | fēi ㄈㄟ | Violate, go against (a rule). / Wrong, bad. / Not real, untrue. / Oppose, object to. / Slander, condemn. / Sarcasm, irony. / Absence of, not have. / Adverb: not, is not. | v6,p4086#01 | p.1382#11 | p.1463r6c02 |
| | | fěi ㄈㄟˇ | Same as 「」 fěi ㄈㄟˇ: Slander. | | | |
能 | 肉+6 | | néng ㄋㄥˊ | A type of bear. / Ability, talent. / Man of ability, man of talent. / Able to, competent. / Comply with, be friendly towards. / Encompass, obtain. / To, arrive at. / Then, thus. / Same as 「」 ér ㄦˊ: Connective: if, supposing. / Only, merely. / Even if. / Thus, in this way. / Three-legged turtle. | v3,p2074#01 | p.981#16 | p.1095r5c02 |
| | | nài ㄋㄞˋ | Withstand, endure. | | | |
| | | tái ㄊㄞˊ | Same as 「」 tái ㄊㄞˊ: Name of a celestial body. | | | |
| | | tài ㄊㄞˋ | State, form. | | | |
恁 | 心+6 | | rèn ㄖㄣˋ | that, like this, thus, so, such | v4,p2291#03 | p.383#16 | p.528r4c07 |
於 | 方+4 | 烏 𣱏 𤕘 于 亏 扵 | yú ㄩˊ | Be (copula). / Be, exist. / Preposition: in. / Preposition: from or to. / Preposition: compared to. / Preposition: to, for, towards. / Preposition: by (indicating passive tense). / Preposition: with, using. / Preposition: due to, because of. / Preposition: by, according to. / Connective: just as. / Auxiliary word, no meaning. | v3,p2175#02 | p.481#11 | p.622r2c03 |
雖 | 隹+9 | 𨾡 虽 | suī ㄙㄨㄟ | Type of insect. / Even, though, even if. / Only. | v6,p4103#05 | p.1368#22 | p.1440r6c01 |
到 | 刀+6 | | dào ㄉㄠˋ | go to, arrive, been to | v1,p0334#03 | p.138#36 | p.181r5c02 |
至 | 至+0 | 𦤳 𦤴 𦤵 𡊏 | zhì dié ㄓˋ ㄉㄧㄝˊ | reach, arrive; extremely, very | v4,p2814#01 | p.1001#11 | p.1111r3c04 |
然 | 火+8 | 燃 𤓉 | rán ㄖㄢˊ | Burn. / Demonstrative pronoun: like this, like that. / Expresses affirmation: true, indeed so. / Believe correct, affirm. / Adverb: actually, thus. / Connective: but, however, yet. / Particle used at the end of a sentence to express comparison. Like, as if. / Particle used after an adjective or adverb to express state. / Particle used at the end of a sentence to express affirmative mode. | v3,p2213#05 | p.675#12 | p.852r5c01 |
畢 | 田+6 | 毕 | bì ㄅㄧˋ | end, finish, conclude; completed | v4,p2535#09 | p.761#21 | p.913r5c01 |
竟 | 音+2 | | jìng ㄐㄧㄥˋ | finally, after all, at last | v4,p2710#01 | p.871#04 | p.1003r5c02 |
似 | 人+5 | 𠚦 | sì shì ㄙˋ ㄕˋ | resemble, similar to; as if, seem | v1,p0127#02 | p.97#10 | p.95r1c04 |
了 | 亅+1 | 了 | le liǎo ㄌㄜ· ㄌㄧㄠˇ | to finish; particle of completed action | v1,p0048#06 | p.85#11 | p.58r1c02 |
辨 | 辛+9 | 弁 辯 | biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ | Separate, distinguish. / Clarify. / Same as 「」 biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ: Argue, dispute. / Same as 「」 biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ: Cunning words. / Same as 「」 biàn ㄅㄧㄢˋ: Universal, general. | v6,p4041#06 | p.1251#20 | p.1309r6c02 |
警 | 言+13 | 儆 | jǐng ㄐㄧㄥˇ | guard, watch; alert, alarm | v6,p4017#04 | p.1183#05 | p.1255r6c02 |
覺 | 見+13 | 覚 覐 𧠭 斍 觉 | jué jiào ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄐㄧㄠˋ | to wake up from sleep; conscious | v6,p3675#08 | p.1137#23 | p.1231r4c06 |
夫 | 大+1 | | fū ㄈㄨ | General term for adult men. / Adult labourers in particular. / Soldier. / Respectful term for a man. / Husband. / Unit of area equal to one hundred mu. | v1,p0521#01 | p.248#11 | p.367r2c01 |
| | | fú ㄈㄨˊ | Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Modal particle used at the start of a sentence for emphasis or to indicate an assertion. / Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to soften the tone. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence to express exclamation. | | | |
奢 | 大+9 | | shē ㄕㄜ | extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate | v1,p0542#06 | p.253#09 | |
遮 | 辵+11 | | zhē ㄓㄜ | cover, shield, protect | v6,p3877#05 | p.1264#10 | p.1331r1c02 |
從 | 彳+8 | 従 从 | cóng ㄘㄨㄥˊ | Follow, accompany. / Cause to follow, make go along with. / Pursue, chase after. / Die with, bury along with the dead. / Listen to, do as required. / Eloquent. / Obedient, submissive. / Route to peaceful society, correct order. / Perform, participate in. / Blood relation through the male line. / Secondary, sub- (of official titles). / Preposition: from. / Preposition: towards. / Preposition: because of, due to. / Addition, also. | v2,p0829#12 | p.368#18 | p.514r5c01 |
| | | zòng ㄗㄨㄥˋ | North-south. / Alliance of states opposed to the Qin alliance. / Straight, upright. / Indulge, allow to. / Connective: even if. | | | |
| | | zōng ㄗㄨㄥ | Trace, vestige. | | | |
| | | sǒng ㄙㄨㄥˇ | See 從容。 | | | |
會 | 曰+9 | 𣌭 㞧 𠃐 㣛 𣥈 会 | huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ | Assemble, gather. / Banquet. / Meet with. / Agree with. / Tempo. / Examine, test. / Meeting place. / Copulation . / Chance, opportunity. / Name of an acupuncture point in Chinese medicine. / Luckily, coincidentally. / Should. / Able, capable. / Understand. / Pay money. / Benefit, kindness. / Embroidery in the five colours. | v2,p1524#05 | p.503#08 | p.654r3c02 |
| | | kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ | Total, settle (a bill). / Seams of a cap or collar of official dress. / Broker, buyer and seller. / A type of flag. / The state of Kuai. / Cover of a container for food, also used for serving. | | | |
先 | 儿+4 | | xiān ㄒㄧㄢ | first, former, previous | v1,p0267#02 | p.124#05 | p.134r3c02 |
透 | 辵+7 | | tòu shū ㄊㄡˋ ㄕㄨ | penetrate, pass through | v6,p3842#01 | p.1257#13 | p.1316r4c01 |
鑿 | 金+19 | 𨰒 凿 | záo zuò zú zào ㄗㄠˊ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄗㄨˊ ㄗㄠˋ | chisel; bore, pierce | v6,p4277#07 | p.1327#29 | p.1399r1c03 |
空 | 穴+3 | | kōng kòng kǒng ㄎㄨㄥ ㄎㄨㄥˋ ㄎㄨㄥˇ | empty, hollow, bare, deserted | v4,p2719#08 | p.863#01 | p.997r6c01 |
出 | 凵+3 | 岀 | chū ㄔㄨ | Go out, exit. / Outside, without. / Take up a post. / Exile, banish. / Abandon (one's wife). / Free, release. / Give out, hand over. / Give, offer. / Send out, distribute. / Exceed. / Appear, emerge. / Create, make. / Produce, cause to grow. / Bear, give birth. / Origin, place of birth. / Part of an object which extends outwards. / Measure word: times, occurrences. / Measure word: section. | v1,p0307#08 | p.135#11 | p.172r1c01 |