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Confucianism -> Liji -> Wang Zhi -> 14.1

天子The son of Heaven, every five years, made a tour of Inspection through the fiefs.
In the second month of the year,
he visited those on the East, going to the honoured mountain of Tai.
There he burnt a (great) pile of wood, and announced his arrival to Heaven; and with looks directed to them, sacrificed to the hills and rivers.
諸侯 He gave audience to the princes;
inquired out those who were 100 years old, and went to see them:
ordered the Grand music-master to bring him the poems (current in the different states), that he might see the manners of the people;
ordered the superintendents of markets to present (lists of prices), that he might see what the people liked and disliked,
and whether they were set on extravagance and loved what was bad;
he ordered the superintendent of rites to examine the seasons and months,
and fix the days,
and to make uniform the standard tubes,
the various ceremonies, the (instruments of) music, all measures, and (the fashions of) clothes. (Whatever was wrong in these) was rectified.

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