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Daoism -> Dao De Jing -> 28

(Returning to simplicity)
Who knows his manhood's strength,
Yet still his female feebleness maintains;
天下谿As to one channel flow the many drains,
天下谿All come to him, yea, all beneath the sky.
Thus he the constant excellence retains;
The simple child again, free from all stains.
Who knows how white attracts,
Yet always keeps himself within black's shade,
天下The pattern of humility displayed,
天下Displayed in view of all beneath the sky;
He in the unchanging excellence arrayed,
Endless return to man's first state has made.
Who knows how glory shines,
Yet loves disgrace, nor ever for it is pale;
天下Behold his presence in a spacious vale,
天下To which men come from all beneath the sky.
The unchanging excellence completes its tale;
The simple infant man in him we hail.
The unwrought material, when divided and distributed, forms vessels.
聖人The sage, when employed,
becomes the Head of all the Officers (of government);
and in his greatest regulations he employs no violent measures.

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