Chinese Text Project |
《楚茨 - Chu Ci》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《楚茨》 Library Resources |
1 | 楚茨: |
楚楚者茨、言抽其棘。 自昔何為、我蓺黍稷。 我黍與與、我稷翼翼。 我倉既盈、我庾維憶。 以為酒食、以饗以祀。 以妥以侑、以介景福。 |
Chu Ci: |
Thick grew the tribulus [on the ground], But they cleared away its thorny bushes. Why did they this of old? That we might plant our millet and sacrificial millet; That our millet might be abundant, And our sacrificial millet luxuriant. When our barns are full, And our stacks can be counted by tens of myriads, We proceed to make spirits and prepare viands, For offerings and sacrifice; We seat the representatives of the dead, and urge them to eat: Thus seeking to increase our bright happiness. | |
2 | 楚茨: |
濟濟蹌蹌、絜爾牛羊、以往烝嘗。 或剝或亨、或肆或將。 祝祭于祊、祀事孔明。 先祖是皇、神保是饗。 孝孫有慶。 報以介福、萬壽無疆。 |
Chu Ci: |
With correct and reverent deportment, The oxen and sheep all pure, We proceed to the winter and autumnal sacrifices. Some flay [the victims]; some boil [their flesh]; Some arrange [the meat]; some adjust [the pieces of it]. The priest sacrifices inside the temple gate, And all the service is complete and brilliant. Grandly come our progenitors; Their Spirits happily enjoy the offerings; Their filial descendent receives blessing: They will reward him with great happiness, With myriads of years, life without end. | |
3 | 楚茨: |
執爨踖踖、為俎孔碩、或燔或炙。 君婦莫莫、為豆孔庶。 為賓為客、獻酬交錯。 禮儀卒度、笑語卒獲。 神保是格。 報以介福、萬壽攸酢。 |
Chu Ci: |
They attend to the furnaces with reverence; They prepare the trays, which are very large; - Some for the roast meat; some for the broiled. Wives presiding are still and reverent, Preparing the numerous [smaller] dishes. The guests and visitors, Present the cup, and drink all round. Every form is according to rule; Every smile and word are as they should be. The Spirits quietly come, And respond with great blessings; - Myriads of years as the [fitting] reward. | |
4 | 楚茨: |
我孔熯矣、式禮莫愆。 工祝致告、徂賚孝孫。 苾芬孝祀、神嗜飲食。 卜爾百福、如幾如式。 既齊既稷、既匡既敕。 永錫爾極、時萬時憶。 |
Chu Ci: |
We are very much exhausted, And have performed every ceremony without error. The able priest announces [the will of the Spirits], And goes to the filial descendent to convey it. ' Fragrant has been your filial sacrifice, And the Spirits have enjoyed your spirits and viands. They confer upon you a hundred blessings; Each as it is desired, each as sure as law. You have been exact and expeditious; You have been correct and careful : They will ever confer on you the choicest favours, In myriads and tens of myriads. ' | |
5 | 楚茨: |
禮儀既備、鍾鼓既戒。 孝孫徂位、工祝致告。 神具醉止、皇尸載起。 鼓鍾送尸、神保聿歸。 諸宰君婦、廢徹不遲。 諸父兄弟、備言燕私。 |
Chu Ci: |
The ceremonies having thus been completed, And the bells and drums having given their warning, The filial descendent goes to his place, And the able priest makes his announcement, ' The Spirits have drunk to the full. ' The great representative of the dead then rises, And the bells and drums escort his withdrawal, [On which] the Spirits tranquilly return [to their place]. All the servants, and the presiding wives, Remove [the trays and dishes] without delay. The [descendant's] uncles and cousins, All repair to the private feast. | |
6 | 楚茨: |
樂具入奏、以綏後祿。 爾殽既將、莫怨具慶。 既醉既飽、小大稽首。 神嗜飲食、使君壽考。 孔惠孔時、維其盡之。 子子孫孫、勿替引之。 |
Chu Ci: |
The musicians all go in to perform, And give their soothing aid at the second blessing. Your viands are set forth; There is no dissatisfaction, but all feel happy. They drink to the full, and eat to the full; Great and small, they bow their heads, (saying), 'The Spirits enjoyed your spirits and viands, And will cause you to live long. Your sacrifices, all in their seasons, Are completely discharged by you. May your sons and your grandsons Never fail to perpetuate these services!' |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/chu-ci