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《詩經 - Book of Poetry》

[Western Zhou (1046 BC - 771 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
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[Also known as: 《詩》, "The Book of Odes"]

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(宋)朱熹 詩經集傳《欽定四庫全書》本
(宋)朱熹 詩經集傳《摛藻堂四庫全書薈要》本
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(清)姚際恒撰 詩經通論
[More (25 total)](明)何楷 詩經世本古義《欽定四庫全書》本
 國風 - Lessons from the states
  周南 - Odes Of Zhou And The South
  召南 - Odes Of Shao And The South
  邶風 - Odes Of Bei
  鄘風 - Odes Of Yong
  衛風 - Odes Of Wei
  王風 - Odes Of Wang
  鄭風 - Odes Of Zheng
  齊風 - Odes Of Qi
  魏風 - Odes Of Wei
  唐風 - Odes Of Tang
  秦風 - Odes Of Qin
  陳風 - Odes Of Chen
  檜風 - Odes Of Gui
  曹風 - Odes Of Cao
  豳風 - Odes Of Bin

 小雅 - Minor odes of the kingdom
  鹿鳴之什 - Decade Of Lu Ming
  白華之什 - Decade Of Baihua
  彤弓之什 - Decade Of Tong Gong
  祈父之什 - Decade Of Qi Fu
  小旻之什 - Decade Of Xiao Min
  北山之什 - Decade Of Bei Shan
  桑扈之什 - Decade Of Sang Hu
  都人士之什 - Decade Of Du Ren Shi

 大雅 - Greater odes of the kingdom
  文王之什 - Decade Of Wen Wang
  生民之什 - Decade Of Sheng Min
  蕩之什 - Decade Of Dang

 頌 - Odes of the temple and the altar
  周頌 - Sacrificial odes of Zhou
  魯頌 - Praise-Odes Of Lu
  商頌 - Sacrificial Odes Of Shang



Source: "The Chinese Classics, volume 4", James Legge, 1898

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A scanned version of the manuscript to which the digital edition of this text should conform is available in the Chinese Text Project Library. The Chinese Text Project edition of this text shown above is intended to follow the specified scanned source text in the Library section of the site except where explicitly noted. If you find any discrepancies, please report them so that they can be corrected.

[Versions of this work]

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry