Chinese Text Project |
《麟之趾 - Lin Zhi Zhi》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 麟之趾: |
麟之趾、振振公子。 于嗟麟兮。 |
Lin Zhi Zhi: |
The feet of the Lin: The noble sons of our prince, Ah! they are the Lin! | |
2 | 麟之趾: |
麟之定、振振公姓。 于嗟麟兮。 |
Lin Zhi Zhi: |
The forehead of the Lin: The noble grandsons of our prince, Ah! they are the Lin! | |
3 | 麟之趾: |
麟之角、振振公族。 于嗟麟兮。 |
Lin Zhi Zhi: |
The horn of the Lin: The noble kindred of our prince, Ah! they are the Lin! |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/lin-zhi-zhi