Chinese Text Project |
《無將大車 - Wu Jiang Da Che》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《無將大車》 Library Resources |
1 | 無將大車: |
無將大車、祇自塵兮。 無思百憂、祇自疧兮。 |
Wu Jiang Da Che: |
Do not push forward a wagon; - You will only raise the dust about yourself. Do not think of all your anxieties; - You will only make yourself ill. | |
2 | 無將大車: |
無將大車、維塵冥冥。 無思百憂、不出于熲。 |
Wu Jiang Da Che: |
Do not push forward a wagon; - The dust will only blind you. Do not think of all your anxieties; - You will not emerge from imperfect views. | |
3 | 無將大車: |
無將大車、維塵雝兮。 無思百憂、祇自重兮。 |
Wu Jiang Da Che: |
Do not push forward a wagon; - The dust will only becloud you. Do not think of all your anxieties; - You will only weigh yourself down. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/wu-jiang-da-che