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《下武 - Xia Wu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《下武》 Library Resources
1 下武:
Xia Wu:
Successors tread in the steps [of their predecessors] in our Zhou.
For generations there had been wise kings;
The three sovereigns were in heaven;
And king [Wu] was their worthy successor in his capital.

2 下武:
Xia Wu:
King [Wu] was their worthy successor in his capital,
Rousing himself to seek for the hereditary virtue,
Always striving to accord with the will [of Heaven];
And thus he secured the confidence due to a king.

3 下武:
Xia Wu:
He secured the confidence due to a king,
And became a pattern of all below him.
Ever thinking how to be filial,
His filial mind was the model [which he supplied].

4 下武:
Xia Wu:
Men loved him, the One man,
And responded [to his example] with a docile virtue.
Ever thinking how to be filial,
He brilliantly continued the doings [of his fathers].

5 下武:
Xia Wu:
Brilliantly! and his posterity,
Continuing to walk in the steps of their forefathers,
For myriads of years,
Will receive the blessing of Heaven.

6 下武:
Xia Wu:
They will receive the blessing of Heaven.
And from the four quarters [of the kingdom] will felicitations come to them.
For myriads of years,
Will there not be their helpers?

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/xia-wu