Chinese Text Project |
《烝民 - Zheng Min》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《烝民》 Library Resources |
1 | 烝民: |
天生烝民、有物有則。 民之秉彝、好是懿德。 天監有周、昭假于下、保茲天子、生仲山甫。 |
Zheng Min: |
Heaven, in giving birth to the multitudes of the people, To every faculty and relationship annexed its law. The people possess this normal nature, And they [consequently] love its normal virtue. Heaven beheld the ruler of Zhou, Brilliantly affecting it by his conduct below; And to maintain him, its Son, Gave birth to Zhong Shan-fu. | |
2 | 烝民: |
仲山甫之德、柔嘉維則。 令儀令色、小心翼翼。 古訓是式、威儀是力、天子是若、明命使賦。 |
Zheng Min: |
The virtue of Zhong Shan-fu, Is mild and admirable, according as it ought to be. Good is his deportment; good his looks; The lessons of antiquity are his law; He is strenuously attentive to his deportment. In full accord with the Son of Heaven, He is employed to spread abroad his bright decrees. | |
3 | 烝民: |
王命仲山甫、式是百辟。 纘戎祖考、王躬是保。 出納王命、王之喉舌。 賦政于外、四方爰發。 |
Zheng Min: |
The king gave charge to Zhong Shan-fu: 'Be a pattern to all the princes; Continue [the services of] your ancestors. You have to protect the royal person; Give out the royal decrees, and report on them. Be the king's throat and tongue; Spread his government abroad, So that in all quarters it shall be responded to. ' | |
4 | 烝民: |
肅肅王命、仲山甫將之。 邦國若否、仲山甫明之。 既明且哲、以保其身。 夙夜匪解、以事一人。 |
Zheng Min: |
Most dignified was the king's charge, And Zhong Shan-fu carries it into execution. In the States, the princes, be they good or bad, Are clearly distinguished by Zhong Shan-fu. Intelligent is he and wise, Protecting his own person; Never idle, day or night, In the service of the One man. | |
5 | 烝民: |
人亦有言、柔則茹之、剛則吐之。 維仲山甫、柔亦不茹、剛亦不吐、不侮矜寡、不畏疆禦。 |
Zheng Min: |
The people have a saying: 'The soft is devoured, And the hard is ejected from the mouth. ' But Zhong Shan-fu, Does not devour the soft, Nor eject the powerful. He does not insult the poor or the widow; He does not fear the strong or the oppressive. | |
6 | 烝民: |
人亦有言、德輶如毛、民鮮克舉之。 我儀圖之、維仲山甫舉之、愛莫助之。 袞職有闕、維仲山甫補之。 |
Zheng Min: |
The people have a saying: 'Virtue is light as a hair, But few are able to lift it. ' When I think of the matter, It is only Zhong Shan-fu that can lift it. I love him, but can do nothing to help him. Any defects in the king's duties, Are supplied by Zhong Shan-fu. | |
7 | 烝民: |
仲山甫出祖、四牡業業、征夫捷捷、每懷靡及。 四牡彭彭、八鸞鏘鏘。 王命仲山甫、城彼東方。 |
Zheng Min: |
Zhong Shan-fu went forth, having sacrificed to the Spirit of the road. His four steeds were strong; His men were alert; He was always anxious lest he should not be equal to his commission; His steeds went on without stopping, To the tinkling of their eight bells. The king had given charge to Zhong Shan-fu, To fortify the city there in the east. | |
8 | 烝民: |
四牡騤騤、八鸞喈喈。 仲山甫徂齊、式遄其歸。 吉甫作誦、穆如清風。仲山甫永懷、以慰其心。 |
Zheng Min: |
With his four steeds so strong, And their eight bells, all tinkling, Zhong Shan-fu proceeded to Qi; - And he will soon return. I, Yin Ji-fu, have made this song: May it enter like a quiet wind, Among the constant anxieties of Zhong Shan-fu, To soothe his mind! |
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