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儒家 -> 孟子 -> 尽心下 -> 61

孟子Mencius said,
圣人'A sage
is the teacher of a hundred generations
伯夷柳下惠- this is true of Bo Yi and Hui of Liu Xia.
伯夷 Therefore when men now bear the character of Bo Yi,
the corrupt become pure,
and the weak acquire determination.
柳下惠 When they hear the character of Hui of Liu Xia,
the mean become generous,
and the niggardly become liberal.
Those two made themselves distinguished a hundred generations ago,
and after a hundred generations,
those who hear of them, are all aroused in this manner.
圣人Could such effects be produced by them, if they had not been sages?
?”And how much more did they affect those who were in contiguity with them, and felt their inspiring influence!'
