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Ancient Classics -> Shang Shu -> Shang Shu -> Tai Jia I -> 2

The king would not think (of these words), nor listen to them.
伊尹 On this Yi Yin said,
'The former king, before it was light, sought to have large and clear views,
and then sat waiting for the dawn (to carry them into practice).
He (also) sought on every side for men of ability and virtue,
to instruct and guide his posterity.
Do not frustrate his charge (to me), and bring on yourself your own overthrow.
Be careful to strive after the virtue of self-restraint,
and cherish far-reaching plans.
Be like the forester, who, when he has adjusted the spring,
goes to examine the end of the arrow, whether it be placed according to rule, and then lets I go;
reverently determine your aim,
and follow the ways of your grandfather.
Thus I shall be delighted,
。」 and be able to show to all ages that I have discharged my trust.'

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