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道家 -> 庄子 -> 外篇 -> 知北游 -> 5.3

'The Luminous was produced from the Obscure;
the Multiform from the Unembodied;
the Spiritual from the Dao;
and the bodily from the seminal essence.
After this all things produced one another from their bodily organisations.
Thus it is that those which have nine apertures are born from the womb,
and those with eight from eggs.
But their coming leaves no trace,
and their going no monument;
they enter by no door; they dwell in no apartment:
they are in a vast arena reaching in all directions.
They who search for and find (the Dao) in this
are strong in their limbs,
sincere and far-reaching in their thinking,
acute in their hearing, and clear in their seeing.
They exercise their minds without being toiled;
they respond to everything aright without regard to place or circumstance.
Without this heaven would not be high,
广 nor earth broad;
the sun and moon would not move,
and nothing would flourish:
such is the operation of the Dao.
