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Histories -> Shiji -> Annals -> Annals of Yin -> 28

帝武乙The Emperor Wuyi was unprincipled and made images, which he called 'Heavenly gods.'
With these he played chess,
ordering some one to make the moves for them;
and when the 'celestial gods' did not win
he abused them,
and making a leather bag,
filled it with blood,
threw it up and shot at it.
”。 This he called shooting at Heaven.
武乙 While Wuyi was hunting between the Yellow and Wei rivers,
there was a clap of thunder,
武乙 and Wuyi was struck dead by lightning.
帝太丁His son Emperor Taiding (Great D) came to the throne.
帝太丁帝乙Emperor Taiding died, and his son Emperor Yi (B) sat on the throne.
帝乙In his reign
the fortunes of Yin declined still further.

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