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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷八 -> 明鬼下 -> 19

Those who deny the existence of spirits say,
"If one does not work for the blessing of one's parents
?”but work for their destruction, would one still be a filial son?"
墨子:“Mozi explained: The ghosts and spirits of all times may be divided into spirits of Heaven, spirits of hills and rivers, and ghosts of men after their death.
It is true that there are sons who die before their fathers,
and younger brothers before their elder brothers.
使天下But, as the saying in the world goes:
’, "He who is born first dies first."
So then
those who die first would be the mother if not the father,
and the elder sister if not the elder brother.
At any rate, we should prepare clean cakes and wine
reverently to do sacrifice.
使 If ghosts and spirits do exist,
then it is to serve father and mother, elder sisters and elder brothers with food and drink.
Is not this a great blessing?
使If ghosts and spirits did not exist it would seem to be a waste of the material for the cakes and wine.
But such use
is not just to throw it into the ditch or gully.
For the relatives from the clan
and friends from the village and district
can yet eat and drink them.
使So, even if there were really no ghosts and spirits,
a sacrifice will yet gather together a party and the participants can enjoy themselves
。” and befriend the neighbours.
:“Those who hold there are no ghosts say: "Of course there are no ghosts and spirits and therefore I should not expend my wealth on the cakes and wine and victims.
This is not because I am miserly about my wealth on the cakes and wine and victims.
But (because I do not see) what I can accomplish with it.
This is opposed to the records of the sage-kings above
and opposed to the practice among the filial sons among the people.
天下 Yet they claim to be superior men in the empire.
This is no way to be superior men.
墨子 But Mozi said:
For me to offer sacrifice
is not to throw it into the ditch or the gully.
It is to bless the ghosts above
and gather a party and enjoy ourselves and befriend the neighbours below.
And if spirits exist, I would be serving my father and mother and brother with food.
天下Is this not a great blessing in the world?

1. 非 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 之 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
3. 也 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
