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Confucianism -> Liji -> Tan Gong II -> 194

In Lu there was one Zhou Feng,
哀公to whom duke Ai went, carrying an introductory present, and requesting an interview,
which, however, the other refused.
The duke said,
!” 'I must give it up then.'
使 And he sent a messenger with the following questions:
'(Shun), the lord of Yu, had not shown his good faith, to the people, and yet they put confidence in him.
The sovereign of Xia had not shown his reverence for the people, and yet the people revered him
?” - what shall I exhibit that I may obtain such things from the people?'
The reply was:
'Ruins and graves
express no mournfulness to the people, and yet the people mourn (amidst them).
The altars of the spirits of the land and grain and the ancestral temples
express no reverence to the people, and yet the people revere them.
The kings of Yin made their solemn proclamations, and yet the people began to rebel;
those of Zhou made their covenants, and the people began to distrust them.
If there be not the heart observant of righteousness, self-consecration, good faith, sincerity, and guilelessness,
though a ruler may try to knit the people firmly to him,
?” will not all bonds between them be dissolved?'

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