Radical: | 十+ 6 strokes = 8 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.473#54 p.482#28 p.482#54 Kangxi: p.156#28 Cihai: p.216r4c01 GSR: 490.a Hanyu: v1,p0063#02 |
Composition: | Top: 𠅃, bottom: 十. Component of: 倅 谇 𠗚 𡮇 𫦈 啐 𢃒 埣 𢈼 崒 𢔙 崪 悴 捽 𡇻 淬 𡝵 猝 𨔊 𭛐 [More] |
Mandarin: | zú cù ㄗㄨˊ ㄘㄨˋ |
Cantonese: | cyut3 zeot1 |
Tang reconstruction: | *tzuət tsuət tzuit |
Shuowen: | 《》卒:隸人給事者衣為卒。卒,衣有題識者。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》卒:終也,盡也,子聿切又倉沒切,又則骨切,五。 《···》卒:急也,遽也,又子没切。又將律切。 《···》卒:《》隸人給事者衣爲卒卒衣有題識者。臧没切,又將聿切,三。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》卒:《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤藏沒切,尊入聲。《》隸人給事者。《周禮·地官·小司徒》乃會萬民之卒伍而用之。五人爲伍,五伍爲兩,四兩爲卒。又《唐韻》子律切《集韻》《韻會》卽聿切《正韻》卽律切,𠀤音啐。《·》盡也。《疏》終盡也。《詩·衞風》畜我不卒。又《·》巳也。《禮·曲禮》大夫死曰卒。又《唐韻》《集韻》《正韻》倉沒切《韻會》蒼沒切,𠀤村入聲。《》急也。《韻會》匆遽之貌。《·》卒卒無須臾之閒。《趙充國傳》則亡以應卒。《註》卒謂暴也。又與倅同,音翠。副貳也。《禮·燕義》庶子,官職,諸侯,卿大夫,士之庶子之卒。又《集韻》崒亦作卒。又《韻補》叶將遂切,音翠。《左思·吳都賦》雕題之士,鏤身之卒。比飾虬龍,蛟螭與對。又叶昌悅切,音測。《蘇轍·功臣寺詩》流傳後世人,談笑資口舌。是非亦已矣,興廢何倉卒。 考證:〔《左思·吳都賦》雕題之士,鏤身之卒。比飭虬龍,蛟螭與對。〕謹照原文比飭改比飾。 |
Fanqie: | 七沒 (《··》) 倉沒 (《···》) 則骨 (《···》) 倉没 (《···》) 子没 (《···》) 臧没 (《···》) 將聿 (《···》) |
Unihan definition: | soldier; servant; at last, finally |
卒 |
zú ㄗㄨˊ (1): 步兵。 Footsoldier.
《·》: | 遂與之卒,言戍周。 | 《》: | 大叔完聚,繕甲兵,具卒乘,將襲鄭。 | 《·》: | 五年諸侯附,狄人伐,桓公告諸侯曰:「請救伐,諸侯許諾,大侯車二百乘,卒二千人,小侯車百乘,卒千人」 |
zú ㄗㄨˊ (2.1): 古代軍隊編制,一百人為卒。 Unit of one hundred soldiers.
《》: | 秦令樗里疾以車百乘入周,周君迎之以卒,甚敬。 |
zú ㄗㄨˊ (2.2): 指隊伍。 A [military] unit.
《·》: | 故仁人之兵,聚則成卒,散則成列,延則若莫邪之長刃,嬰之者斷。 | 《·》: | 且仁人之兵,聚則成卒,散則成列,延居則若莫邪之長刃,嬰之者斷,銳居則若莫邪之利鋒,當之者潰,圓居則若丘山之不可移也,方居則若磐石之不可拔也,觸之,摧角折節而退爾,夫何可詐也。 |
zú ㄗㄨˊ (3): 三十國為卒。 Unit of 30 states.
《·》: | 三十國以為卒,卒有正。 | Thirty formed a confederation, which had a Director. |
zú ㄗㄨˊ (4): 三百家為卒。 Unit of 300 families.
zú ㄗㄨˊ (5): 差役之人。 Labourer.
zú ㄗㄨˊ (6): 盡,終。 End, finish.
zú ㄗㄨˊ (7): 死。 Die.
《·》: | 孟子曰:「舜生於諸馮,遷於負夏,卒於鳴條,東夷之人也。」 | Mencius said, 'Shun was born in Zhu Feng, removed to Fu Xia, and died in Ming Tiao - a man near the wild tribes on the east.' | 《·》: | 契卒,子昭明立 | Qi (documents) died, and his son Zhaoming (luminous) succeeded him. | 《·》: | 穆公之母卒,使人問於曾子曰:「如之何?」 | When the mother of duke Mu of Lu died, he sent to ask Zeng-zi what (ceremonies) he should observe. | 《》: | 惠公元妃孟子,孟子卒,繼室以聲子,生隱公,宋武公生仲子,仲子生而有文在其手,曰為魯夫人,故仲子歸于我,生桓公而惠公薨,是以隱公立而奉之 | 《·》: | 十六年,魯宣公卒 | 《·》: | 崩,薨,無祿,卒,徂落,殪,死也 |
zú ㄗㄨˊ (8): 副詞:終於。 Adverb: finally.
《·》: | 太史公曰:李斯以閭閻歷諸侯,入事秦,因以瑕釁,以輔始皇,卒成帝業,斯為三公,可謂尊用矣。 |
zú ㄗㄨˊ (9): Same as “” zú ㄗㄨˊ: 險嶺,高峰。 High peaks.
《·》: | 漸漸之石、維其卒矣。 | Those frowning rocks, - How they crown the heights! |
cù ㄘㄨˋ (10): Same as “” cù ㄘㄨˋ: 副詞:突然。 Adverb: suddenly.
《·》: | 卒然問曰:『天下惡乎定?』 | Abruptly he asked me, "How can the kingdom be settled?" |
cù ㄘㄨˋ (11): Same as “” cuì ㄘㄨㄟˋ: 輔佐。 Assistant.
《·》: | 庶子官職諸侯、卿、大夫、士之庶子之卒,掌其戒令,與其教治,別其等,正其位。 | He was charged with the care of the sons of the feudal lords, the high dignitaries who were the Great officers, and (other) officers,--the eldest sons who occupied the next place to their fathers. He managed (the issuing) to them of (all) cautions and orders; superintended their instruction in all they had to learn and (the art of self-)government; arranged them in their different classes; and saw that they occupied their correct positions. |