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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷四 -> 兼爱上 -> 5

使天下天下If every one in the world will love universally; states not attacking one another; houses not disturbing one another; thieves and robbers becoming extinct; emperor and ministers, fathers and sons, all being affectionate and filial -- if all this comes to pass the world will be orderly.
圣人天下Therefore, how can the wise man who has charge of governing the empire fail to restrain hate and encourage love?
So, when there is universal love in the world it will be orderly, and when there is mutual hate in the world it will be disorderly.
墨子:“。”This is why Mozi insisted on persuading people to love others.

1. 交 : 旧脱。 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
