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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 屯土山关公约三事,救白马曹操解重围 -> 28

颜良袁绍使颜良:“?”沮授:“刘玄德云长。”玄德:“!”玄德玄德The beaten army returning northward met Yuan Shao on the road and told their story. "A red-faced warrior with a long beard, wielding a huge, long-handled sword, broke into the army, cut off the General's head and bore it off," said they. "Who was this?" asked Yuan Shao. Ju Shou said, "It must have been Liu Bei's brother, Guan Yu. It could be nobody else." Yuan Shao was very angry and, pointing to Liu Bei, he said, "Your brother has slain my beloved leader. You are in the plot too. Why should I save you alive?" He bade the lictors take Liu Bei away and behead him. Morning saw him guest on high. Evening, prisoner, doomed to die. Liu Bei's actual fate will be told in the next chapter.
