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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 用奇谋孔明借箭,献密计黄盖受刑 -> 5

孔明孔明:“!”:“?”孔明:“。”So off went Lu Su to seek Zhuge Liang, who at once reproached him with having blabbed about the former business. Zhuge Liang said, "He wants to hurt me, as you know, and I did not think you could not keep my secret. And now there is what you saw today, and how do you think I can get a hundred thousand arrows made in three days? You will simply have to rescue me." "You brought the misfortune on yourself, and how can I rescue you?" said Lu Su. "I look to you for the loan of twenty vessels, manned each by thirty people. I want blue cotton screens and bundles of straw lashed to the sides of the boats. I have good use for them. On the third day, I shall undertake to deliver the fixed number of arrows. But on no account must you let Zhou Yu know, or my scheme will be wrecked."
