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Chinese Text Project

二+2 𠄡 ㄨˇfive; surnamev1,p0011#03p.86#11p.64r3c01
十+0 shí ㄕˊten, tenth; complete; perfectv1,p0058#09p.155#17p.207r5c02
乙+1 jiǔ ㄐㄧㄡˇninev1,p0048#05p.83#19p.48r6c01
干+3 𠫺 nián ㄋㄧㄢˊyear; new-years; person's agev1,p0037#06p.340#01p.483r6c01

Example usage

When Qu Bo-yu was in his sixtieth year, his views became changed in the course of it. He had never before done anything but consider the views which he held to be right, but now he came to condemn them as wrong; he did not know that what he now called right was not what for fifty-nine years he had been calling wrong.

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