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《鴇羽 - Bao Yu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《鴇羽》 Library Resources
1 鴇羽:
Bao Yu:
Su-su go the feathers of the wild geese,
As they settle on the bushy oaks.
The king's affairs must not be slackly discharged,
And [so] we cannot plant our sacrificial millet and millet; -
What will our parents have to rely on?
O thou distant and azure Heaven!
When shall we be in our places again?

2 鴇羽:
Bao Yu:
Su-su go the wings of the wild geese,
As they settle on the bushy jujube trees.
The king's affairs must not be slackly discharged,
And [so] we cannot plant our millet and sacrificial millet; -
How shall our parents be supplied with food?
O thou distant and azure Heaven!
When shall [our service] have an end?

3 鴇羽:
Bao Yu:
Su-su go the rows of the wild geese,
As they rest on the bushy mulberry trees.
The king's business must not be slackly discharged,
And [so] we cannot plant our rice and maize; -
How shalll our parents get food?
O thou distant and azure Heaven!
When shall we get [back] to our ordinary lot?

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/bao-yu