Chinese Text Project |
《鴇羽 - Bao Yu》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《鴇羽》 Library Resources |
1 | 鴇羽: |
肅肅鴇羽、集于苞栩。 王事靡盬、不能蓺稷黍、父母何怙。 悠悠蒼天、曷其有所。 |
Bao Yu: |
Su-su go the feathers of the wild geese, As they settle on the bushy oaks. The king's affairs must not be slackly discharged, And [so] we cannot plant our sacrificial millet and millet; - What will our parents have to rely on? O thou distant and azure Heaven! When shall we be in our places again? | |
2 | 鴇羽: |
肅肅鴇翼、集于苞棘。 王事靡盬、不能蓺黍稷、父母何食。 悠悠蒼天、曷其有極。 |
Bao Yu: |
Su-su go the wings of the wild geese, As they settle on the bushy jujube trees. The king's affairs must not be slackly discharged, And [so] we cannot plant our millet and sacrificial millet; - How shall our parents be supplied with food? O thou distant and azure Heaven! When shall [our service] have an end? | |
3 | 鴇羽: |
肅肅鴇行、集于苞桑。 王事靡盬、不能蓺稻粱、父母何嘗。 悠悠蒼天、曷其有常。 |
Bao Yu: |
Su-su go the rows of the wild geese, As they rest on the bushy mulberry trees. The king's business must not be slackly discharged, And [so] we cannot plant our rice and maize; - How shalll our parents get food? O thou distant and azure Heaven! When shall we get [back] to our ordinary lot? |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/bao-yu