Chinese Text Project |
《柏舟 - Bo Zhou》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 柏舟: |
汎彼柏舟、在彼中河。 髧彼兩髦、實維我儀。 之死矢靡它。 母也天只、不諒人只。 |
Bo Zhou: |
It floats about, that boat of cypress wood, There in the middle of the He. With his two tufts of hair falling over his forehead, He was my mate; And I swear that till death I will have no other. O mother, O Heaven, Why will you not understand me? | |
2 | 柏舟: |
汎彼柏舟、在彼河側。 髧彼兩髦、實維我特。 之死矢靡慝。 母也天只、不諒人只。 |
Bo Zhou: |
It floats about, that boat of cypress wood, There by the side of the He. With his two tufts of hair falling over his forehead, He was my only one; And I swear that till death I will not do the evil thing. O mother, O Heaven, Why will you not understand me? |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/bo-zhou1