Chinese Text Project |
《采綠 - Cai Lu》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《采綠》 Library Resources |
1 | 采綠: |
終朝采綠、不盈一匊。 予髮曲局、薄言歸沐。 |
Cai Lu: |
All the morning I gather the king-grass, And do not collect enough to fill my hands. My hair is in a wisp; - I will go home and wash it. | |
2 | 采綠: |
終朝采藍、不盈一襜。 五日為期,六日不詹。 |
Cai Lu: |
All the morning I gather the indigo plant, And do not collect enough to fill my apron. Five days was the time agreed on; - It is the sixth, and I do not see him. | |
3 | 采綠: |
之子于狩,言韔其弓。 之子于釣,言綸之繩。 |
Cai Lu: |
When he went a hunting, I put the bow in its case for him. When he went to fish, I arranged his line for him. | |
4 | 采綠: |
其釣維何,維魴及鱮。 維魴及鱮,薄言觀者。 |
Cai Lu: |
What did he take in angling? Bream and tench; - Bream and tench, While people [looked on] to see. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/cai-lu