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《東方未明 - Dong Fang Wei Ming》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《東方未明》 Library Resources
1 東方未明:
Dong Fang Wei Ming:
Before the east was bright,
I was putting on my clothes upside down;
I was putting them on upside down,
And there was one from the court calling me.

2 東方未明:
Dong Fang Wei Ming:
Before there was a streak of dawn in the east,
I was putting on my clothes upside down;
I was putting them on upside down,
And there was one from the court with orders for me.

3 東方未明:
Dong Fang Wei Ming:
You fence your garden with branches of willow,
And the reckless fellows stand in awe.
He, [however], cannot fix the time of night;
If he be not too early, he is sure to be late.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/dong-fang-wei-ming