Chinese Text Project |
《芣苢 - Fu Yi》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 芣苢: |
采采芣苢、薄言采之。 采采芣苢、薄言有之。 |
Fu Yi: |
We gather and gather the plantains; Now we may gather them. We gather and gather the plantains; Now we have got them. | |
2 | 芣苢: |
采采芣苢、薄言掇之。 采采芣苢、薄言捋之。 |
Fu Yi: |
We gather and gather the plantains; Now we pluck the ears. We gather and gather the plantains; Now we rub out the seeds. | |
3 | 芣苢: |
采采芣苢、薄言袺之。 采采芣苢、薄言襭之。 |
Fu Yi: |
We gather and gather the plantains; Now we place the seeds in our skirts. We gather and gather the plantains; Now we tuck out skirts under our girdles. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/fu-yi