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《漢廣 - Han Guang》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《漢廣》 Library Resources
1 漢廣:
Han Guang:
In the south rise the trees without branches,
Affording no shelter.
By the Han are girls rambling about,
But it is vain to solicit them.
The breadth of the Han
Cannot be dived across;
The length of the Jiang
Cannot be navigated with a raft.

2 漢廣:
Han Guang:
Many are the bundles of firewood;
I would cut down the thorns [to form more].
Those girls that are going to their future home, -
I would feed their horses.
The breadth of the Han
Cannot be dived across;
The length of the Jiang,
Cannot be navigated with a raft.

3 漢廣:
翹翹錯薪、言刈其蔞 。
之子于歸、言秣其駒 。
漢之廣矣、不可泳思 。
江之永矣、不可方思 。
Han Guang:
Many are the bundles of firewood;
I would cut down the southern wood [to form more].
Those girls that are going to their future home, -
I would feed their colts.
The breadth of the Han
Cannot be dived across;
The length of the Jiang
Cannot be navigated with a raft.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/han-guang