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《何彼襛矣 - He Bi Nong Yi》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《何彼襛矣》 Library Resources
1 何彼襛矣:
He Bi Nong Yi:
How great is that luxuriance,
Those flowers of the sparrow-plum!
Are they not expressive of reverence and harmony, -
The carriages of the king's daughter?

2 何彼襛矣:
He Bi Nong Yi:
How great is that luxuriance,
The flowers like those of the peach-tree or the plum!
[See] the grand-daughter of the tranquillizing king,
And the son of the reverent marquis!

3 何彼襛矣:
He Bi Nong Yi:
What are used in angling?
Silk threads formed into lines.
The son of the reverent marquis,
And the grand-daughter of the tranquillizing king!

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/he-bi-nong-yi