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《靜女 - Jing Nu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《靜女》 Library Resources
1 靜女:
Jing Nu:
How lovely is the retiring girl!
She was to await me at a corner of the wall.
Loving and not seeing her,
I scratch my head, and am in perplexity.

2 靜女:
Jing Nu:
How handsome is the retiring girl!
She presented to me a red tube.
Bright is the red tube; -
I delight in the beauty of the girl.

3 靜女:
Jing Nu:
From the pasture lands she gave a shoot of the white grass,
Truly elegant and rare.
It is not you, O grass, that are elegant; -
You are the gift of an elegant girl.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/jing-nu