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《綿蠻 - Mian Man》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《綿蠻》 Library Resources
1 綿蠻:
Mian Man:
There is that little oriole,
Resting on a bend of the mound.
The way is distant,
And I am very much wearied.
Give me drink, give me food;
Inform me, teach me;
Order one of the attending carriages,
And tell them to carry me.

2 綿蠻:
Mian Man:
There is that little oriole,
Resting on a corner of the mound.
It is not that I dare to shrink from the journey,
But I am afraid of not being able to go on.
Give me drink, give me food;
Inform me, teach me;
Order one of the attending carriages,
And tell them to carry me.

3 綿蠻:
Mian Man:
There is that little oriole,
Resting on the side of the mound.
It is not that I dare to shrink from the journey,
But I am afraid of not getting to the end of it.
Give me drink, give me food;
Inform me, teach me;
Order one of the attending carriages,
And tell them to carry me.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/mian-man