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《南有嘉魚 - Nan You Jia Yu》

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 南有嘉魚:
Nan You Jia Yu:
In the south is the barbel,
And, in multitudes, they are taken under baskets.
The host has spirits,
On which his admirable guests feast with him joyfully.

2 南有嘉魚:
Nan You Jia Yu:
In the south is the barbel,
And, in multitudes, they are taken with wicker nets.
The host has spirits,
On which his admirable guests feast with him, delighted.

3 南有嘉魚:
南有樛木、 甘瓠纍之。
Nan You Jia Yu:
In the south are trees with curved drooping branches,
And the sweet gourds cling to them.
The host has spirits,
On which his admirable guests feast with him cheerfully.

4 南有嘉魚:
Nan You Jia Yu:
The Filial doves keep flying about,
Coming in multitudes.
The host has spirits,
On which his admirable guests feast with him again and again.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/nan-you-jia-yu