Chinese Text Project |
《衛風 - Odes Of Wei》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《衛風》 Library Resources |
《淇奧 - Qi Yu》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《淇奧》 Library Resources |
1 | 淇奧: |
瞻彼淇奧、綠竹猗猗。 有匪君子、如切如磋、如琢如磨。 瑟兮僩兮、赫兮咺兮。 有匪君子、終不可諼兮。 |
Qi Yu: |
Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi, With their green bamboos, so fresh and luxuriant! There is our elegant and accomplished prince, - As from the knife and the file, As from the chisel and the polisher! How grave is he and dignified! How commanding and distinguished! Our elegant and accomplished prince, - Never can he be forgotten! | |
2 | 淇奧: |
瞻彼淇奧、綠竹青青。 有匪君子、充耳琇瑩、會弁如星。 瑟兮僩兮、赫兮咺兮。 有匪君子、終不可諼兮。 |
Qi Yu: |
Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi, With their green bamboos, so strong and luxuriant! There is our elegant and accomplished prince, - With his ear-stoppers of beautiful pebbles, And his cap, glittering as with stars between the seams! How grave is he and dignified! How commanding and distinguished! Our elegant and accomplished prince, - Never can he be forgotten! | |
3 | 淇奧: |
瞻彼淇奧、綠竹如簀。 有匪君子、如金如錫、如圭如璧。 寬兮綽兮、猗重較兮。 善戲謔兮、不為虐兮。 |
Qi Yu: |
Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi, With their green bamboos, so dense together! There is our elegant and accomplished prince, - [Pure] as gold or as tin, [Soft and rich] as a sceptre of jade! How magnanimous is he and gentle! There he is in his chariot with its two high sides! Skilful is he at quips and jokes, But how does he keep from rudeness in them! |
《考槃 - Kao Pan》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 考槃: |
考槃在㵎、碩人之寬。 獨寐寤言、永矢弗諼。 |
Kao Pan: |
He has reared his hut by the stream in the valley, - That large man, so much at his ease. Alone he sleeps, and wakes, and talks. He swears he will never forgets [his true joy]. | |
2 | 考槃: |
考槃在阿、碩人之薖。 獨寐寤歌、永矢弗過。 |
Kao Pan: |
He has reared his hut in the bend of the mound, - That large man, with such an air of indifference. Alone he sleeps, and wakes, and sings. He swears he will never pass from the spot. | |
3 | 考槃: |
考槃在陸、碩人之軸。 獨寐寤宿、永矢弗告。 |
Kao Pan: |
He has reared his hut on the level height, - That large man, so self-collected. Alone, he sleeps and wakes, and sleeps again. He swears he will never tell [of his delight]. |
《碩人 - Shuo Ren》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《碩人》 Library Resources |
1 | 碩人: |
碩人其頎、衣錦褧衣。 齊侯之子、衛侯之妻、東宮之妹、邢侯之姨、譚公維私。 |
Shuo Ren: |
Large was she and tall, In her embroidered robe, with a [plain] single garment over it: The daughter of the marquis of Qi. The wife of the marquis of Wei, The sister of the heir-son of Qi The sister-in-law of the marquis of Xing, The viscount of Tan also her brother-in-law. | |
2 | 碩人: |
手如柔荑。 膚如凝脂。 領如蝤蠐。 齒如瓠犀。 螓首蛾眉。 巧笑倩兮。 美目盼兮。 |
Shuo Ren: |
Her fingers were like the blades of the young white-grass; Her skin was like congealed ointment; Her neck was like the tree-grub; Her teeth were like melon seeds; Her forehead cicada-like; her eyebrows like [the antenne of] the silkworm moth; What dimples, as she artfully smiled! How lovely her eyes, with the black and white so well defined! | |
3 | 碩人: |
碩人敖敖、說于農郊。 四牡有驕、朱幩鑣鑣、翟茀以朝。 大夫夙退、無使君勞。 |
Shuo Ren: |
Large was she and tall, When she halted in the cultivated suburbs. Strong looked her four horses, With the red ornaments so rich about their bits. Thus in her carriage, with its screens of pheasant feathers, she proceeded to our court. Early retire, ye great officers, And do not make the marquis fatigued! | |
4 | 碩人: |
河水洋洋、北流活活。 施罛濊濊、鱣鮪發發、葭菼揭揭。 庶姜孽孽、庶士有朅。 |
Shuo Ren: |
The waters of the He, wide and deep, Flow northwards in majestic course. The nets are dropt into them with a plashing sound, Among shoals of sturgeon, large and small, While the rushes and sedges are rank about. Splendidly adorned were her sister ladies; Martial looked the attendant officers. |
《氓 - Mang》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《氓》 Library Resources |
1 | 氓: |
氓之蚩蚩、抱布貿絲。 匪來貿絲、來即我謀。 送子涉淇、至于頓丘。 匪我愆期、子無良媒。 將子無怒、秋以為期。 |
Mang: |
A simple-looking lad you were, Carrying cloth to exchange it for silk. [But] you came not so to purchase silk; - You came to make proposals to me. I convoyed you through the Qi, As far as Dunqiu. ' It is not I, ' [I said], ' who would protract the time; But you have had no good go-between. I pray you be not angry, And let autumn be the time. ' | |
2 | 氓: |
乘彼垝垣、以望復關。 不見復關、泣涕漣漣。 既見復關、載笑載言。 爾卜爾筮、體無咎言。 以爾車來、以我賄遷。 |
Mang: |
I ascended that ruinous wall, To look towards Fuguan; And when I saw [you] not [coming from] it; My tears flowed in streams. When I did see [you coming from] Fuquan, I laughed and I spoke. You had consulted, [you said], the tortoise-shell and the reeds, And there was nothing unfavourable in their response. ' Then come, ' [I said], ' with your carriage, And I will remove with my goods. | |
3 | 氓: |
桑之未落、其葉沃若。 于嗟鳩兮、無食桑葚。 于嗟女兮、無與士耽。 士之耽兮、猶可說也、 女之耽兮、 不可說也。 |
Mang: |
Before the mulberry tree has shed its leaves, How rich and glossy are they! Ah! thou dove, Eat not its fruit [to excess]. Ah! thou young lady, Seek no licentious pleasure with a gentleman. When a gentleman indulges in such pleasure, Something may still be said for him; When a lady does so, Nothing can be said for her. | |
4 | 氓: |
桑之落矣、其黃而隕。 自我徂爾、三歲食貧。 淇水湯湯、漸車帷裳。 女也不爽、士貳其行。 士也罔極、二三其德。 |
Mang: |
When the mulberry tree sheds its leaves, They fall yellow on the ground. Since I went with you, Three years have I eaten of your poverty; And [now] the full waters of the Qi, Wet the curtains of my carriage. There has been no difference in me, But you have been double in your ways. It is you, Sir, who transgress the right, Thus changeable in your conduct. | |
5 | 氓: |
三歲為婦、靡室勞矣。 夙興夜寐、靡有朝矣。 言既遂矣、至于暴矣。 兄弟不知、咥其笑矣。 靜言思之、躬自悼矣。 |
Mang: |
For three years I was your wife, And thought nothing of my toil in your house. I rose early and went to sleep late, Not intermitting my labours for a morning. Thus [on my part] our contract was fulfilled, But you have behaved thus cruelly. My brothers will not know [all this], And will only laugh at me. Silently I think of it, And bemoan myself. | |
6 | 氓: |
及爾偕老、老使我怨。 淇則有岸、隰則有泮。 總角之宴、言笑晏晏。 信誓旦旦、不思其反。 反是不思、亦已焉哉。 |
Mang: |
I was to grow old with you; - Old, you give me cause for sad repining. The Qi has its banks, And the marsh has its shores. In the pleasant time of my girlhood, with my hair simply gathered in a knot, Harmoniously we talked and laughed. Clearly were we sworn to good faith, And I did not think the engagement would be broken. That it would be broken I did not think, And now it must be all over! |
《竹竿 - Zhu Gan》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《竹竿》 Library Resources |
1 | 竹竿: |
籊籊竹竿、以釣于淇。 豈不爾思、遠莫致之。 |
Zhu Gan: |
With your long and tapering bamboo rods, You angle in the Qi. Do I not think of you? But I am far away, and cannot get to you. | |
2 | 竹竿: |
泉源在左、淇水在右。 女子有行、遠兄弟父母。 |
Zhu Gan: |
The Quanyuan is on the left, And the waters of the Qi are on the right. But when a young lady goes away, [and is married], She leaves her brothers and parents. | |
3 | 竹竿: |
淇水在右、泉源在左。 巧笑之瑳、佩玉之儺。 |
Zhu Gan: |
The waters of the Qi are on the right And the Quanyuan is on the left. How shine the white teeth through the artful smiles! How the girdle gems move to the measured steps! | |
4 | 竹竿: |
淇水滺滺、檜楫松舟。 駕言出遊、以寫我憂。 |
Zhu Gan: |
The waters of the Qi flow smoothly; There are the oars of cedar and boats of pine. Might I but go there in my carriage and ramble, To dissipate my sorrow! |
《芄蘭 - Wan Lan》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《芄蘭》 Library Resources |
1 | 芄蘭: |
芄蘭之支、童子佩觿。 雖則佩觿、能不我知。 容兮遂兮、垂帶悸兮。 |
Wan Lan: |
There are the branches of the sparrow-gourd; - There is that lad, with the spike at his girdle. Though he carries a spike at his girdle, He does not know us. How easy and conceited is his manner, With the ends of his girdle hanging down as they do! | |
2 | 芄蘭: |
芄蘭之葉、童子佩韘。 雖則佩韘、能不我甲。 容兮遂兮、垂帶悸兮。 |
Wan Lan: |
There are the leaves of the sparrow-gourd; - There is that lad with the archer's thimble at his girdle. Though he carries an archer's thimble at his girdle, He is not superior to us. How easy and conceited is his manner, With the ends of his girdle hanging down as they do! |
《河廣 - He Guang》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 河廣: |
誰謂河廣、一葦杭之。 誰謂宋遠、跂予望之。 |
He Guang: |
Who says that the He is wide? With [a bundle of] reeds I can cross it. Who says that Song is distant? On tiptoe I can see it. | |
2 | 河廣: |
誰謂河廣、曾不容刀。 誰謂宋遠、曾不崇朝。 |
He Guang: |
Who says that the He is wide? It will not admit a little boat. Who says that Song is distant? It would not take a whole morning to reach it. |
《伯兮 - Bo Xi》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 伯兮: |
伯兮朅兮、邦之桀兮。 伯也執殳、為王前驅。 |
Bo Xi: |
My noble husband is how martial-like! The hero of the country! My husband, grasping his halberd, Is in the leading chariot of the king's [host]. | |
2 | 伯兮: |
自伯之東、首如飛蓬。 豈無膏沐、誰適為容。 |
Bo Xi: |
Since my husband went to the east, My head has been like the flying [pappus of the] artemisia. It is not that I could not anoint and wash it; But for whom should I adorn myself? | |
3 | 伯兮: |
其雨其雨、杲杲出日。 願言思伯、甘心首疾。 |
Bo Xi: |
O for rain! O for rain! But brightly the sun comes forth. Longingly I think of my husband, Till my heart is weary, and my head aches. | |
4 | 伯兮: |
焉得諼草、言樹之背。 願言思伯、使我心痗。 |
Bo Xi: |
How shall I get the plant of forgetfulness? I would plant it on the north of my house. Longingly I think of my husband, And my heart is made to ache. |
《有狐 - You Hu》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 有狐: |
有狐綏綏、在彼淇梁。 心之憂矣、之子無裳。 |
You Hu: |
There is a fox, solitary and suspicious, At that dam over the Qi. My heart is sad; - That man has no lower garment. | |
2 | 有狐: |
有狐綏綏、在彼淇厲。 心之憂矣、之子無帶。 |
You Hu: |
There is a fox, solitary and suspicious, At that deep ford of the Qi. My heart is sad; - That man has no girdle. | |
3 | 有狐: |
有狐綏綏、在彼淇側。 心之憂矣、之子無服。 |
You Hu: |
There is a fox, solitary and suspicious, By the side there of the Qi. My heart is sad; - That man has no clothes. |
《木瓜 - Mu Gua》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《木瓜》 Library Resources |
1 | 木瓜: |
投我以木瓜、報之以瓊琚。 匪報也、永以為好也。 |
Mu Gua: |
There was presented to me a papaya, And I returned for it a beautiful Ju-gem; Not as a return for it, But that our friendship might be lasting. | |
2 | 木瓜: |
投我以木桃、報之以瓊瑤。 匪報也、永以為好也。 |
Mu Gua: |
There was presented to me a peach, And I returned for it a beautiful Yao-gem; Not as a return for it, But that our friendship might be lasting. | |
3 | 木瓜: |
投我以木李、報之以瓊玖。 匪報也、永以為好也。 |
Mu Gua: |
There was presented to me a plum, And I returned for it a beautiful Jiu-gem; Not as a return for it, But that our friendship might be lasting. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/odes-of-wei