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《鵲巢 - Que Chao》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《鵲巢》 Library Resources
1 鵲巢:
Que Chao:
The nest is the magpie's;
The dove dwells in it.
This young lady is going to her future home;
A hundred carriages are meeting her.

2 鵲巢:
Que Chao:
The nest is the magpie's;
The dove possesses it.
This young lady is going to her future home;
A hundred carriages are escorting her.

3 鵲巢:
Que Chao:
The nest is the magpie's;
The dove fills it.
This young lady is going to her future home;
These hundreds of carriages complete her array.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/que-chao