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《隰桑 - Xi Sang》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《隰桑》 Library Resources
1 隰桑:
Xi Sang:
In the low, wet grounds, the mulberry trees are beautiful,
And their leaves are luxuriant.
When I see the princely men,
How great is the pleasure!

2 隰桑:
Xi Sang:
In the low, wet grounds, the mulberry trees are beautiful,
And their leaves are glossy.
When I see the princely men,
How can I be other than glad?

3 隰桑:
Xi Sang:
In the low, wet grounds, the mulberry trees are beautiful,
And their leaves are dark.
When I see the princely men,
Their virtuous fame draws them close [to my heart].

4 隰桑:
Xi Sang:
In my heart I love them,
And why should I not say so?
In the core of my heart I keep them,
And never will forget them.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/xi-sang