Chinese Text Project |
《下泉 - Xia Quan》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 下泉: |
冽彼下泉、浸彼苞稂。 愾我寤嘆、念彼周京。 |
Xia Quan: |
Cold come the waters down from that spring, And overflow the bushy wolf's-tail grass, Ah me! I awake and sigh, Thinking of that capital of Zhou. | |
2 | 下泉: |
冽彼下泉、浸彼苞蕭。 愾我寤嘆、念彼京周。 |
Xia Quan: |
Cold come the waters down from that spring, And overflow the bushy southernwood, Ah me! I awake and sigh, Thinking of that capital of Zhou. | |
3 | 下泉: |
冽彼下泉、浸彼苞蓍。 愾無寤歎、念彼京師。 |
Xia Quan: |
Cold come the waters down from that spring, And overflow the bushy divining plants, Ah me! I awake and sigh, Thinking of that capital-city. | |
4 | 下泉: |
芃芃黍苗、陰雨膏之。 四國有王、郇伯勞之。 |
Xia Quan: |
Beautifully grew the fields of young millet, Enriched by fertilizing rains. The States had their sovereign, And there was the chief of Xun to reward their princes. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/xia-quan