Chinese Text Project |
《小星 - Xiao Xing》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《小星》 Library Resources |
1 | 小星: |
嘒彼小星、三五在東。 肅肅宵征、夙夜在公、寔命不同。 |
Xiao Xing: |
Small are those starlets, Three or five of them in the east, Swiftly by night we go; In the early dawn we are with the prince. Our lot is not like hers. | |
2 | 小星: |
嘒彼小星、維參與昴。 肅肅宵征、抱衾與裯、寔命不猶。 |
Xiao Xing: |
Small are those starlets, And there are Orion and the Pleiades. Swiftly by night we go, Carrying our coverlets and sheets. Our lot is not like hers. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/xiao-xing