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《新臺 - Xin Tai》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《新臺》 Library Resources
1 新臺:
Xin Tai:
Fresh and bright is the New Tower,
On the waters of the He, wide and deep.
A pleasant, genial mate she sought,
[And has got this] vicious bloated mass!

2 新臺:
Xin Tai:
Lofty is the New Tower,
On the waters of the He, flowing still.
A pleasant, genial mate she sought,
[And has got this] vicious bloated mass!

3 新臺:
Xin Tai:
It was a fish net that was set,
And a goose has fallen into it.
A pleasant, genial mate she sought,
And she has got this hunchback.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/xin-tai