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《有杕之杜 - You Di Zhi Du》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《有杕之杜》 Library Resources
1 有杕之杜:
You Di Zhi Du:
There is a solitary russet pear tree,
Growing on the left of the way.
That princely man there!
He might be willing to come to me.
In the centre of my heart I love him,
[But] how shall I supply him with drink and food?

2 有杕之杜:
You Di Zhi Du:
There is a solitary russet pear tree,
Growing where the way makes a compass.
That princely man there!
He might be willing to come and ramble [with me].
In the centre of my heart I love him,
[But] how shall I supply him with drink and food?

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/you-di-zhi-du