Chinese Text Project |
《終風 - Zhong Feng》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《終風》 Library Resources |
1 | 終風: |
終風且暴、顧我則笑。 謔浪笑敖、中心是悼。 |
Zhong Feng: |
The wind blows and is fierce, He looks at me and smiles, With scornful words and dissolute, - the smile of pride. To the center of my heart I am grieved. | |
2 | 終風: |
終風且霾、惠然肯來。 莫往莫來、悠悠我思。 |
Zhong Feng: |
The wind blows, with clouds of dust. Kindly he seems to be willing to come to me; [But] he neither goes nor comes. Long, long, do I think of him. | |
3 | 終風: |
終風且曀、不日有曀。 寤言不寐、願言則嚏。 |
Zhong Feng: |
The wind blew, and the sky was cloudy; Before a day elapses, it is cloudy again. I awake, and cannot sleep; I think of him, and gasp. | |
4 | 終風: |
曀曀其陰、虺虺其靁。 寤言不寐、願言則懷。 |
Zhong Feng: |
All cloudy is the darkness, And the thunder keeps muttering. I awake and cannot sleep; I think of him, and my breast is full of pain. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/zhong-feng