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清代 -> 儒林外史 -> 王孝廉村學識同科 周蒙師暮年登上第 -> 20

:「。」With his mouth full of cake, Mr. Mei put in: 「There is something in dreams.」
:「?」And turning to Zhou Jin he asked: 「Mr. Zhou, these past years, during the examinations, what dreams have you had?」
:「。」:「!」 「None at all,」 replied Zhou Jin. 「I was fortunate,」 said Mei Jiu. 「Last year on New Year's Day, I dreamed that I was on a very high mountain. The sun in the sky was directly above me, but suddenly it fell down on my head! Sweating with fright, I woke up and rubbed my head, and it still seemed hot. I didn't understand then what the dream meant, but later it came true!」

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