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清代 -> 儒林外史 -> 王孝廉村學識同科 周蒙師暮年登上第 -> 24

:「?」便:「。」:「?」The newcomer showed no false modesty. When the servants drew up benches he promptly sat himself down in the place of honour of it, leaving the teacher to take a lower seat. 「What is your name?」 he demanded. Knowing that this man was a provincial scholar, Zhou Jin replied, 「Your pupil is called Zhou.」 「Where did you teach before?」 「
:「。」In the family of Mr. Gu of the county yamen.
:「。」:「?」:「。」」 「Aren't you the man who came first in that test which my patron, Mr. Bai, supervised? He said that you were teaching in Mr. Gu's family. That's right. That's right.」 「Do you know my former employer, Mr. Gu, sir?」 「Mr. Gu is one of the secretaries in our office. He is one of my sworn brothers too.」

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