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衛司徒敬子When Si-tu Jing-zi of Wei died,
子夏 Zi-xia made a visit of condolence (to his house);
and, though the chief mourner had not completed the slight dressing (of the corpse),
he went in the headband and robe of mourning.
子游 Zi-you paid a similar visit;
and, when the chief mourner had completed the slight dressing,
子游 he went out,
put on the bands, returned and wailed.
子夏 Zi-xia said to him,
?」 'Did you ever hear (that) that (was the proper method to observe)?
:「I heard the Master say,' was the reply,
'that until the chief mourner had changed his dress,
。」 one should not assume the mourning bands'.'
