也 |
yě ㄧㄝˇ (1.1): 句末語氣詞:表示判斷和肯定。 Modal particle used at the end of a sentence, expressing assertion and affirmation.
《·》: | 故,所得而後成也。 | The gu (reason/cause) of something is what it must get before it will come about. | 《·》: | 不好犯上,而好作亂者,未之有也。 | There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion. | 《·》: | 曰:「何由知吾可也?」 | 'How do you know that I am competent for that?' | 《·》: | 南冥者,天池也。 | The Southern Ocean is the Pool of Heaven. | 《·》: | 孔子曰:「非此之謂也。」 | Confucius said, 'This is not what I mean.' | 《·》: | 曰:有白馬,不可謂無馬也。 | Having a white horse cannot be said to be having no horses. |
yě ㄧㄝˇ (1.2): 句末語氣詞:用在疑問句尾加強疑問語氣。 Modal particle used at the end of a question for emphasis.
《·》: | 樊遲曰:「何謂也?」 | Fan Chi said, "What did you mean?" | 《·》: | 是何言也? | What words are these? | 《·》: | 常季曰:「何謂也?」 | Chang Ji said, 'What do you mean?' | 《·》: | 問曰:「何謂也?」 | 'What does that mean?' asked the other. | 《·》: | 不可謂無馬者,非馬也? | Is not that which cannot be said to be having no horses a horse? | 《·》: | 曾子曰:「何謂也?」 |
yě ㄧㄝˇ (1.3): 句末語氣詞:用在因果句尾表示解釋。 Modal particle used at the end of a cause-effect sentence to express explanation.
《·》: | 古之人與民偕樂,故能樂也。 | The ancients caused the people to have pleasure as well as themselves, and therefore they could enjoy it. | 《·》: | 覆杯水於坳堂之上,則芥為之舟,置杯焉則膠,水淺而舟大也。 | Upset a cup of water in a cavity, and a straw will float on it as if it were a boat. Place a cup in it, and it will stick fast; the water is shallow and the boat is large. | 《》: | 曰:「寧信度,無自信也。」 |
yě ㄧㄝˇ (2): 句中語氣詞:表示語氣的停頓。 Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause.
《·》: | 慮:慮也者,以其知有求也,而不必得之。 | 'Thinking': by means of one's intelligence one seeks something, but does not necessarily find it. | 《·》: | 有子曰:「其為人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鮮矣。」 | The philosopher You said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors." | 《·》: | 孔子曰:「丘也小人,不足以知禮。」 | Confucius said, 'I, Qiu, am a small man, and unequal to a knowledge of the rites.' | 《·》: | 懿公之立也,百姓大臣皆不服。 | 《》: | 對曰,午也可。 | 《·》: | 是月也,驅獸無害五穀。 |