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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 議溫明董卓叱丁原,餽金珠李肅說呂布 -> 23

:「?」退:「。」:「?」:「。」:「。」:「。」:「董卓?」:「。」Then Li Su produced his pearls and gold and the jeweled belt and laid them out before his host. "What is this? What does it mean?" said Lu Bu. "Send away the attendants," requested Li Su. And he went on, "Dong Zhuo has long respected your bravery and sent these by my hand. Red Hare was also from him." "But, if he loves me like this, what can I do in return?" Li Su said, "If a stupid fellow like me can be a general in the Imperial Tiger Army, it is impossible to say what honors await you." "I am sorry I can offer him no service worth mentioning." Li Su said, "There is one service you can do, and an extremely easy one to perform; but you would not render that." Lu Bu pondered long in silence, then he said, "I might slay Ding Yuan and bring over his soldiers to Dong Zhuo's side. What think you of that?" "If you would do that, there could be no greater service. But such a thing must be done quickly."
