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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白門樓呂布殞命 -> 2

呂布玄德糜竺:「大丈夫天下玄德。」:「玄德?」便糜竺玄德張遼孫乾When Lu Bu reached the residence, he was met by Mi Zhu who said, "The hero does not destroy a person's family. Your rival for the empire is Cao Cao, and my master, always mindful of the good turn you did him at the Archery Feast, would not be ungrateful. But he could not help going to Cao Cao, and I think you will pity him." Lu Bu replied, "We two are old friends. How could I bear to harm his wives and children?" Whereupon he sent the family to Xuzhou with Mi Zhu to take care of them. Next Lu Bu led his army into Huashan Mountains to Yanzhou, leaving Gao Shun and Zhang Liao to guard Xiaopei. During these troubles Sun Qian had also fled out of the city. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, each with a handful of soldiers, had got away to the hills.
