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《出其東門 - Chu Qi Dong Men》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《出其東門》 Library Resources
1 出其東門:
Chu Qi Dong Men:
I went out at the east gate,
Where the girls were in clouds.
Although they are like clouds,
It is not on them that my thoughts rest.
She in the thin white silk, and the grey coiffure, -
She is my joy!

2 出其東門:
Chu Qi Dong Men:
I went out by the tower on the covering wall,
Where the girls were like flowering rushes.
Although they are like flowering rushes,
It is not of them that I think.
She in the thin white silk, and the madder-[dyed coiffure], -
It is she that makes me happy!

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/chu-qi-dong-men