Chinese Text Project |
《大叔于田 - Da Shu Yu Tian》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《大叔于田》 Library Resources |
1 | 大叔于田: |
叔于田、乘乘馬、執轡如組、兩驂如舞。 叔在藪、火烈具舉。 襢裼暴虎、獻于公所。 將叔無狃、戒其傷女。 |
Da Shu Yu Tian: |
Shu has gone hunting, Mounted in his chariot and four. The reins are in his grasp like ribbons, While the two outside horses move [with regular steps], as dancers do. Shu is at the marshy ground; - The fire flames out all at once, And with bared arms he seizes a tiger, And presents it before the duke. O Shu, try not [such sport] again; Beware of getting hurt. | |
2 | 大叔于田: |
叔于田、乘乘黃、兩服上襄、兩驂雁行。 叔在藪、火烈具揚。 叔善射忌、又良御忌、抑磬控忌、抑縱送忌。 |
Da Shu Yu Tian: |
Shu has gone hunting, Mounted in his chariot with four bay horses. The two insides are the finest possible animals, And the two outsides follow them regularly as in a flying flock of wild geese. Shu is at the marshy ground; - The fire blazes up all at once, A skillful archer is Shu! A good charioteer also! Now he gives his horse the reins; now he brings them up; Now he discharges his arrows; now he follows it. | |
3 | 大叔于田: |
叔于田、乘乘鴇、兩服齊首、兩驂如手。 叔在藪、火烈具阜。 叔馬慢忌、叔發罕忌、抑釋掤忌、抑鬯弓忌。 |
Da Shu Yu Tian: |
Shu has gone hunting, Mounted in his chariot with four grey horses. His two insides have their heads in a line, And the two outsides come after like arms. Shu is at the marsh; - The fire spreads grandly all together. His horses move slowly; He shoots but seldom; Now he lays aside his quiver; Now he returns his bows to his case. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/da-shu-yu-tian