Chinese Text Project |
《東門之枌 - Dong Men Zhi Fen》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Library Resources |
1 | 東門之枌: |
東門之枌、宛丘之栩。 子仲之子、婆娑其下。 |
Dong Men Zhi Fen: |
[There are] the white elms at the east gate. And the oaks on Wanqiu; The daughter of Zizhong, Dances about under them. | |
2 | 東門之枌: |
穀旦于差、南方之原。 不績其麻、市也婆娑。 |
Dong Men Zhi Fen: |
A good morning having been chosen, For the plain in the South, She leaves twisting her hemp, And dances to it through the market-place. | |
3 | 東門之枌: |
穀旦于逝、越以鬷邁。 視爾如荍、貽我握椒。 |
Dong Men Zhi Fen: |
The morning being good for excursion, They all proceed together. 'I look on you as the flower of the thorny mallows; You give me a stalk of the pepper plant. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/dong-men-zhi-fen