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《羔裘 - Gao Qiu》

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
In your lamb's fur you saunter about;
In your fox's fur you hold your court.
How should I not think anxiously about you?
My toiled heart is full of grief.

2 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
In your lamb's fur you wander aimlessly about;
In your fox's fur you appear in your hall.
How should I not think anxiously about you?
My heart is wounded with sorrow.

3 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
Your lamb's fur, as if covered with ointment;
Glistens when the sun comes forth.
How should I not think anxiously about you?
To the core of my heart I am grieved.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/gao-qiu2