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《九罭 - Jiu Yu》

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 九罭:
Jiu Yu:
In the net with its nine bags,
Are rud and bream.
We see this prince,
With his grand-ducal robe and embroidered skirt.

2 九罭:
Jiu Yu:
The wild geese fly [only] about the islets.
The duke is returning; - is it not to his proper place?
He was stopping with you [and me] but for a couple of nights.

3 九罭:
Jiu Yu:
The wild geese fly about the land.
The duke is returning, and will not come back here?
He was lodging with you [and me] but for a couple of nights.

4 九罭:

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/jiu-yu